LiE's Log Part 2

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I could quite easily butt wink on low bar, but that would be doing it wrong. The butt wink on high bar is mainly due to the fact my knees can't go forward enough to keep me more upright. If I did front squat with the plates under my heels I doubt I'd have any butt wink :)
OK so update on the bench press comp stuff. Firstly strong date fail, I miscalculated the number of weeks prep, meaning my prep has been pretty crap. The comp is on Sunday 12th, so less than a week now and I thought I had an extra week. My work schedule has changed also which meant a less than stellar chest workout last week. Basically I was in two minds about going, so went to the gym today to see where things are.

Paused Bench Press
150x1 - felt nice and stable when I took the weight. Plenty of control and an easy press.
157.5x1 - very nice 157.5, massive confidence boost to not have any drama here.

After the 157.5 I was pretty confident I can put in a good performance on the day.

My weight has been all over the place the last week, ranging from 83.9kg to 82.3kg. So in order to get that under control I'm eating clean this week. I'm hoping that come Friday I will sit around 82.5kg giving me plenty of leeway for a good breakfast on Sunday morning.

My initial feeling for my weights look like this.

1: 145
2: 157.5
3: 160

Lift 3 is the risk lift. Lift 2 should be fine on the day which would still give me a +2.5kg comp pb and a competitive number. 160 I feel I should be able to get.

Plan now is to take it easy this week, and potentially do a couple 145kg doubles on Wednesday. Ice/Dom, thoughts on this?
My thinking is 145 is no problem and allows me to get the first lift done easily and used to the bench/build confidence. Then I can move up to a weight which I've done twice without any issues. If I hold back on the 2nd lift and go for 155 it may give me a bigger chance of 160 but if I fail 160 then 155 is what I did in feb comp. Choosing weights makes me go cross eyed!

What are your thoughts on doing some doubles on Wednesday?
How would you structure it for 160? I really want 160 and feel if I can do 157.5 then 160 is there too.

3: another go at 160 or 162.5.
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I don't want to open too heavy, for me it's about getting an easy lift in to build confidence and see where my strength's at, that's where 145 comes from. I chose 157.5 next because I've done it a couple times as mentioned. The problem comes when we look at lift 3. 157.5 is so very close to 160 that 157.5 could take too much out of me to complete a 160. If I can do 157.5, I'm pretty sure I can do 160.

1: 145
2: 155
3: 160

This is the safest option which pretty much guarantees 155.

I just need to decide if I'm happy to go out on a limb and try for 160.

1: 150
2: 160
3: -
Cheers guys. I'm leaning towards 150,160 for all kinds of gains. I'll have to structure my warm up well because I normally do 140 before I go near 150.
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Easy training tonight, worked up to 120x2 and 130x2 paused bench. Very easy as expected, felt good. Followed up with some stretching and lacrosse ball in dem teddies.

I have a deep tissue massage booked for tomorrow to attack my back, all kinds of supple gains.
my wife has already told them not to hold back.. RIP. Bruises incoming.

I was so tempted to do 150 tonight, but I resisted!
Weight is going well, upon waking I've been between 82.5 and 82.8. Hoping with some strictness over the weekend I can come in at a good weight allowing for a solid breakfast before setting off for the comp.
Good deep massage tonight, was pretty gruesome up in the scapular. She commented on how my muscles were fighting back, gave her a good workout smashing them.

Lots of leg mobility tonight and another go at high bar squats, with some fronties thrown in.

Worked on controlling the bottom more to reduce butt tuck. Fronties are hard.

High Bar:

Front Squat

Comp on Sunday.
That's the idea of the front squat, think about where the bar is and how it sits over your feet.
I'm hitting some tightness at the bottom of the high bar which is why I can't get more upright. Knees are out and as far forward as possible but I still feel a block.

Fronties felt great, really rape the core!
OK so tomorrow is bench press only comp and I've had to keep an eye on my weight this week. Stuck to only clean carbs and plenty of fats, and drinking a lot too. I've been weighing myself before and after bed and consistently loosing 1kg which is good. This morning I was 82.6kg which is about right. I'm hoping I can get a little carbs in the morning before weigh in then load up after. 100g oats and 30g whey with as little water as possible, depending on my weight tomorrow morning.
Interesting comp today, lots of take away from it.

Firstly I wasn't really competing against anyone in my class, which makes it less exciting but as you know I had set my sights on 160. I wasn't sure at what time I was lifting so popped to the toilet only to come back and find out that I'm in the first 'group' which starts in 15mins. We had a lot of lifters in the first group and the warm up area was busy, which meant I didn't get the best warm up possible, ended up doing 2 140 singles.

Due there being quite a lot of lifters it was a good 10 minutes from my last warm up set and my 150 opener. It was cold in the gym and nerves were creeping in. When it came to my turn I wasn't warm or focused enough, meaning I didn't smash the 150 like I should, bad lift.

I knew I had 160 in me so opted to go for this on my next lift. My turn came round again and the nerves were still there, lacking confidence from the previous lift doesn't help. Didn't have enough focus and brought the weight down too quick without enough tightness, didn't get too far off the chest before failing.

Determined to get 160 I focused hard on my 3rd lift. Took my time with my setup and ignored the surroundings. I took the bar down nice and slow and controlled, and gave it everything I had. It came up quick and the power came in full to complete the rep. It was given, but it wasn't the best rep and certainly not to national standard. I was so focused on getting the 160 that I didn't hear the press command. Also the judges mentioned my head is nearly off the end of the bench. My right arm dipping a little towards the end of the rep is new, possible just something on the day but will look into it.

Some things to work on to tidy up my comp lifting, but overall pleased I managed it in the end. Great experience gains were had, rather these issues come up now instead of nationals.

Lots of arm shaking which is annoying.
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