Life is Strange™

16 Mar 2004

Spotted this not long ago while browsing on Steam and actually seems an interesting premise. It's from the new DONTNOD team who recently released Remember Me so this is only their second project so I'll keep an eye out on reviews as soon as it's released on the 30th.

Looks like a episodic content adventure game with the ability to rewind time and change the storyline which seems like an interesting feature. Art direction and presentation seems great in the trailer and a 20 minute gameplay video has been released as well which seems great.

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I like how they're releasing each episode priced individually, or you can just buy the season.

I'll check out the demo, but probably wait until all episodes are out/it's on sale.
I've bought the whole season on impulse this morning. The trailer looked interesting and I'm curious.
Man, I would love that power (well to freeze time also), but oh well that 1 would be good... I would do so much good in the world... Nice glasses... :rolleyes:
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Quite interested to see where they go with this. Remember Me had some beautiful level design and the memory remix scenes, whilst few and far between, were very technically impressive and enjoyable to play. For me the whole game was let down by poor narrative and an awkward and annoying combat system so if they've managed to focus more on the story with this one it has potential.
I saw this a few weeks ago and was surprised there was no thread here :)

Really thinking of pre-ordering the whole pack as it's so cheap.
The only thing that puts me off is the possibility of it being very linear.

Saw a review which said it's like Heavy Rain meets Gone Home, I got Heavy Rain on the PS3 and altho it was ok, I only did one play through as it seemed so linear :(
I think that's possibly a problem with most story type games tho
Some would say thats not free thought its just good advertising :cool:

Monkey see, monkey do.

I'm particularly vulnerable to suggestion in the mornings. It's just that I shouldn't be buying any more games at the moment.

I enjoyed the Walking Dead games which I suppose could be a fair comparison at this point, so I imagine all will be ok :p

Advertising eh?

La-la-la-la-laa I'm loving it!

Maccy Ds anyone? :p
I like the McRib, I still want to know how they get boneless ribs and where I could buy some

Hope this is not too far off-topic for thread :D
I just played through Episode 1. I liked it. It looks like the story could really develop to be very interesting. It has a sort of 'Donnie Darko' vibe to it.

Not that I rushed through it per se but on seeing the 'Walking Dead' style choice-taken summary bit at the end I note that I missed a few things. Just a heads up to explore and interact with objects as much as possible / as much as you can be arsed.
Bought it on a whim yesterday, So far its not too bad, I like the art design etc

Just done some of the girls house you meet & so far so good, Interested to see where it goes from here.
Just finished episode 1. Have to say it is brilliant and well worth the money. It is very Walking Dead like with superb visuals and art style. Daftbrown summed it up above perfectly really. There's some great stuff coming and for once it isn't overused zombies. Episode 2 hits in March!
Love adventure games and this one is something different than I have played before. It's much like a TV show (ish) kinda reminds me slightly of Jennifer's body (The film - in a way)

Really really enjoyed the first episode and cannot wait for episode 2.
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