Lift etiquette

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I always take the stairs and I work on the top floor (10 levels), usually going up and down about 6 times a day. I always just see it as a bit of exercise but I have to consciously make this decision.

Out of the 50 or so staff on site only about 6 actually do this, so it would be unfair to say that everyone is lazy, they just probably don't think about it.
Im with OP. Regularly people wait 5 minutes for a lift to take them up one floor when one of the two lifts is out, as is a regular occurrence. I take the lift up 4 floors but always walk down.
In the morning I take the lift to the top floor then work my way down to the 1st floor where i work and then take the stairs down in the evening....

Ill wait for someone on here to get unreasonable before i explain why though :)

You're the mailboy?
I, too, like you, always try to take the stairs. It has to do with the fact that I was once injured by a faulty elevator door. It happened because the mechanism was broken, and the door closed unexpectedly, crushing my hand.
Oh no, can you recommend a good solicitor who could manage my claim if a similar incident happens to me?
When on holiday to Valencia last month, I took the lift to the second floor, where room was located. As stairs were marble, slippery and stair area not lit up well.

Due to my eye condition, I struggle to see the edge of steps if it’s not bright enough
eye condition

"Eye condition"


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