Lightwieght OS... Who wins?

TinyCore Linux is quite an interesting lightweight distro, loading much of the OS (and extra application 'extensions') into RAM on bootup. Useful for use cases that rely on a consistent startup environment.
Magic on the Atari

Can give you a fully preemptive Multitaskign O/S including Desktop that will fit onto a 512K machine and still give you 200K to play with!

Now thats lightweight.

On a more serious note...

MiNT on the Atari.

Its fully unix compatible and will run ( albeit very badly ) on a 4MB Machine, but really needs 8MB at least. ( Being a ***** that I am, I have had this on a 1MB Machine but its simply not useful even for a masochist )

Ok ok.. PCs you mean?

ZipSlack is certainly small - runs on VERY OLD PCs

There comes a time however, when you have to weigh up the pros and cons and wonder why you need a lightweight O/S -0 given the practically give-away prices of PC hardware these days.
Im sticking with lubuntu now, it has it's little differences that can be annoying at first but you can change things how you want nearly as easily as ubuntu.
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