Limbo of the Lost Copies Oblivion?

It now appears that they stole not only the title of the game...

those aren't even their own faces


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Would just like to say thank you to the OP for this thread. I've since read the entire topic at Neogaf and it's ****ing hilarious!

Looking forward to see how this unfolds. :)

Oh, and the original Amiga version ripped off games too apparently - they've already discovered it copied Guy Spy...
Copied? Dont you mean just used the same idea. Ive seen that link and thats about as tenous as it gets.

Its like saying Tekken copied Street fighter. SImilar yes, copied no.

Lo(t)l, however IS jsut a copy, im mean its literally screenshots copied :X
Let the man speak:)

Well, some of the screenshots are pretty similar.

But let us look at it this way.....

You must all know the famous Big Ben clock in London.

How many people have taken photographs of their family members or friends standing in front of Big Ben?

Do they credit Charles Barry, the original designer of the strucutre for their photographs? No, of course they don't!

Now you mightm say a photograph is non-commerical use, but what about ITN news who use the image of Big Ben for their commerical news programming? Again, without credit.

All I was really doing was taking photographs of my journeys through virtual worlds - had I ripped out the textures and re-assembled the 3D models that of course would have been another issue.


I want this game! :D



[Edit] - Im sure that it's not the real man - but it's a great explanation anyway:) Love the topic there:)
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Were these the guys from Kent? If so I seem to remember the publisher dropping them pretty quick after the story broke. Then the 'devs' went back to their normal jobs having found out that developing games isn't such an easy life after all.

The local paper gave them some column inches when they were 'developing' the game. I let the reporter know about the copying and she said she would try to track them down for a follow up, I think they declined an interview :)

I could be thinking about a totally different copying situation of course, can't really be bothered to read through an old thread, just the title rang a few bells.
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