Limited milage policies

[TW]Fox said:
I wonder if he properly declared his business use as well :)

Who are we to speculate ;)

I feel i'm to honest for my own good, my insurance is 100% spot on, no doubt i could lie each year and save £70 but its simply not worth it, anything car related isn't worth taking a chance with cause the repercussions could cause you major problems.
I know from experience helping somebody out that the second you mention 'Pizza Delivery' virtually every insurer refuses to cover you, even though you have third party cover for the deliveries from the employer. They don't care and still refuse cover.

I wonder how he got around that?
I fully intend to give them a 12k annual estimate at renewal time. I just begrudge paying them more than I do because I went over my 'estimated' mileage.

I can't see a problem, they asked me for an estimate and I genuinely didn't count on working 15 miles away for just over three months or my dad being made redundant and not having a car for a few weeks.
GT3 said:
I insured mine for 6000 miles a year, I've done well over 20,000 with a month to go! Whoops.

See now that's just stupid. And business milage aswell when not covered? Very stupid again :/
[TW]Fox said:
even though you have third party cover for the deliveries from the employer.

Sounds fine to me then, I just wouldnt drive anything precious to me under those circumstances but if 3rd party is sorted why lose sleep over it
TripleT said:
See now that's just stupid. And business milage aswell when not covered? Very stupid again :/

Well I didn't count on doing business miles, so 6000 would have been about right, it is ESTIMATED mileage and I ESTIMATED I was going to do 6000. Also they didn't ask for the mileage on the car in the first place so how would they know?

And I don't know where you got the idea I wasn't covered for business mileage. I was covered under a seperate policy for third party only when at work and as I was only third party fire and theft anyway that was fine. And my insurer WERE informed and it made no difference whatsoever to my normal premium - perhaps it helped that it was the same company covering my personal and business use? I know some people at work did have trouble keeping their current insurer and some just didn't bother.

Besides doesn't matter anymore as I don't do it and am covering around 150 ish miles a week now which is what I estimated in the first place so for next years insurance I will again state an estimated mileage of 6000.
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