Limiting maxdsl sync rate

6 Feb 2006
Wondering if it's possible to manually set the max sync speed.For example i sync at 4448Kbps during the day but normally after 8pm it will disconnect and resync at about 3700Kbps after 7 or so try's, I would rather set the max sync rate at 3Mb and have a solid connection than have 3.5Mb and and disconnect in the evening's.Never get over 340KB/sec download speed anyway :rolleyes: My router is netgear dg834 v2.
It is supposed to be a 10 day period, I've been on Max for about 16 days and my DSL is still up and down a lot. It is at the point where I can't use it between 6:30pm and 9:30am because it drops every 30-60 minutes.

I'm giving serious thought to ditching ADSL and going back to ntl. I'd lose my /29 and some upstream, but I can cope with that.
Apparently if your modem/router supports a sync rate limit, then you can use that. Most don't though.

Mine's the same - I sync at over 5000k and it disconnects quite frequently. I emailed F2S to ask if they could get BT to manually add 1 or 2dB to the SNR target margin. They sent back a standard reply telling me to try the master socket, test wiring.... blah blah. Not impressed, so I asked the same thing again requesting to get an actual answer to my question!

It also said in the email that the MSR was the maximum rate I would sync at. Complete load of misinformation - my MSR is 4000k and i sync well over 5000k.

I'll let you know if F2S actually give me a reply...
no its more likely that the lines will be used for phonin' and adsl at nights, i guess the contention and lines must get noisy. i find during the day its fine but at night its re-sync'n like atleast 5-10 times which is abit annoying but atleast it reconnects :)
csmager said:
I'll let you know if F2S actually give me a reply...
f2s support said:
We cannot send requests to wholesale asking for a specific thing to be done - all we can do is make sure you've done the equipment checks and if the line is still dropping raise a fault for wholesale to investigate.

Once they have picked the case up we can then add notes to the ticket to say - we believe the SNR is the cause of the issue - but ISP's seldom get to speak to the engineers themselves - just a helpdesk.

Please be aware that if wholesale do decide to send an engineer they will only test from the master socket as that's where the service is guaranteed until, and if they deem the line is capable from there they can charge you for a 'wasted' appointment.
Woo hoo. :rolleyes:

I don't need an engineer, I just want a lower sync speed. It appears that this isn't something you can request. Joy.
Suspect the best you can hope for is that the DLM spots your disconnects and increases your target SNR margin.

it's meant to disconnect at differnt times to find out what your most stable line speed is.


no its more likely that the lines will be used for phonin'

Another nope.
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