Linkin Park

Pity, I loved their earlier stuff, definately one of my most played albums (Hybrid Theory), but Meteora is just as good if not better.

Lets hope the new album doesn't fall short.
I like the song, video is a bit different though.

Really looking forward to the album as well.

You're always going to get the people who say 'zomgosh that's the worst thing i've heard this year' - but then they wouldn't like it no matter what, because they're too 'mainstream' for some peoples liking, as if it really matters.
Like the song, and can't wait for the album.

I couldn't care how many people in this thread think it's "the worst thing" they have heard all year... I'll like whatever music I want to.
When is the new album out?

I loved them as a little skater boy, back in the day.

Never bothered with them after that.. however ive gone back and i kinda enjoy it again... Might get the new album...
God awful song.
Was confused by Chester Bennington or whatever his name is.
Looked like he was dressed as a modern Rob Halford...
Fraggr said:
Warning: best played with volume off. Seriously.

You may rip off your ears now.

Wow that was awful. Love the way she didn't know the words to half of the screaming bits so just went "rigiayyeayyeayya" instead.

As for LP, they lost the rapping and most of the angst and therefore lost the two things that stopped them from sounding bland.
Ive heard the new Linkin Park song today for the first time... Things I've Done or whatever its called...

....I think its pretty good tbh, in fact i really liked it. I loved the video too had a lot of "OMFG Humanz r n00bz!!1"

A very "anti" this and that feel to the video obviously, reminded me of Bombtrack video by RATM... which isnt a bad thing.

Looks good, might get the new album when it comes out.
Heard it last week and I liked it.

Beats the crap out of the utter tripe the Artic Monkeys are playing these days. That is dire music.
Scream said:
Beats the crap out of the utter tripe the Artic Monkeys are playing these days. That is dire music.

True but then 95% of the indie stuff that is popular at the moment is samey uncreative crap that is really no better than Westlife.
I heard this the other day. I actually like it. I like their old stuff too, im all for bands trying to get a new/different sound. I just hope Radio 1 won't get hold of it.
Jonesiani said:
I heard this the other day. I actually like it. I like their old stuff too, im all for bands trying to get a new/different sound. I just hope Radio 1 won't get hold of it.

I heard it on Radio 1 last week. :(
I like Linkin Park's promo tracks and bought the first album.
That was cool until I had them forced down my throat via every possible medium.
Radio 1 are the worst for playing something over and over and over and over...

Too much of a good thing = bad thing.

Edit: though it should be said that even in small doses this track is the suck.
I've managed to listen to a preview copy of the new album, not sure its 100% legit as the album features demo's that were created before Hybrid Theory (My December, High Voltage etc) just renamed.

Is this right there doing this?
Andybtsn said:
I've managed to listen to a preview copy of the new album, not sure its 100% legit as the album features demo's that were created before Hybrid Theory (My December, High Voltage etc) just renamed.

Is this right there doing this?

does it have around 16 tracks with a live one called qwerty at the end? if so, its fake
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