Linking OCUK on ebay

10 Apr 2014
I wanna sell my pc, which was my first build, although I have had a couple OCUK prebuilds. I know it isn't allowed to post competitor links in here, but, would it be OK for me to post my OCUK build log on ebay?

Ebay is a competitor, but, it would technically be bringing some more light to the website or even more possible business for OCUK, I'm assuming it's OK? I would rather have some input from other members, before making the listing. Thanks in advance. (Y)
I don't see a problem posting your build log on fleabay, its only if you mention a competitors pricing on here thats a problem.
Don't see why there's be an issue with what you do outside of the forums.

Obviously you will have to find a way around eBay removing the link from your listing. Pretry sure they always do that still?
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