linksys wrt54gl speed problems HELP!!!

17 Feb 2007
hi there last week i purchased a wrt54gl router from ocuk

i have my desktop pc connected through lan port #1 and my laptop is wireless with 128 bit wep enabled

the problem i have is the laptop is being used its fine - but if i turn on the desktop that is ok but then the laptop will keep saying cannot find page or it will take about 1 muinite to open a page that would normally open in 2 seconds.

i think the lan port is taking all the bandwidth

is there any way of sorting it out

i used to have a belkin and never had this problem it has only started since i got the linksys.
It might be worth hard resetting the router first or trying a firmware upgrade (official one first) - it might be a bug with that version or something - always best to update firmware over wired connection btw.

If that doesn't work someone else might be able to help with settings on the stock firmware. I only know about the ones in dd-wrt, which is an option if all else fails.
hi there - i tried a hard reset and updated the firmware to the latest one. i also tried dd-wrt 2.3 sp2 as well but have the same problem so i flashed it back to the latest linksys (allways doing the 30second reset)

so if someone has any settings that will be a big help
carvegio said:
It might be worth hard resetting the router first or trying a firmware upgrade (official one first) - it might be a bug with that version or something - always best to update firmware over wired connection btw.

If that doesn't work someone else might be able to help with settings on the stock firmware. I only know about the ones in dd-wrt, which is an option if all else fails.

what version of dd-wrt is best to use
will try it next time it does it - im currently chatting to linksys via messenger to try and sort it
ha - spent over an hour talking to jo at linksys and she has diagnosed a faulty router - so now i gotta ring them up to arrange a replacement
When you say you think the desktop is using all the bandwidth what is the desktop doing at the time ? eg P2P or downloads ?
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