Linux in Vmware

20 May 2006
HI guys - after editing my registry without making a backup:eek: plus other problems, I have to reinstall XP.

Q. Where has the linux SMP guide gone? I've seen Billy's finstall guide in the sticky but didn't use it last time. What if you done want to run it as a service?

Q. Anyone using FF 7.04? is it better or same as EE (what I'm currently using as DD wouldn't alllow FahMon to work.

Any other tips, hints or pointers to get SMP folding again welcome.

Thanks guys.
SB guide is here

FF desktop and EE server versions both work fine (I used finstall on both and the long way with both at one time or another)

FF desktop with finstall was the easiest - you can always remove the service with a simple bit of script (well simple to others anyway ;) )
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Thanks for the link - that'll help big time.
The guide looks v professional - obviously a lot of thought & effort went into it.
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