Thinking that it's possibly a case of more vcore, the increase earlier allowed me to run a lot longer than previously, seems like this chip also doesnt like a 20x multiplier. Will run LinX tomorrow and have another playabout.
If just one core is failing then that is very, very close to stability, just a notch higher vcore would do it imo. You might also want to try running T2 rather than T1 with such tight timings.
I agree with using LinX first as it will find errors sooner, especially if the stability is temp related.
Cheers m8, will try another voltage increase, the ram is rated at 7-7-7-24, but ive been testing it with timings slackened to 9-9-9-27 1T, 1.66v, temps with blend maxed at 65c iirc. Expect about 5-6c hotter with LinX.
Will try 100 loops on an overnight run, id also like to see about tightening up my memory timings at some point, hoping that the instability was a result of lack of vcore alone, as the ram is running at its rated speed/voltage (1600mhz) just with the timings slackened a bit. Read a few posts on other forums were people were saying that their cpu's required a bit of a jump in vcore when using the 20x multiplier as opposed to 21x.
Thanks w3bbo, it's looking a lot better than previously, temps are still pretty low as well, on my older s775 quads, LinX/IBT tended to run 5-7c higher than prime.
Once you're stable you can try lowering CPU PLL and QPI and QPI pll voltages which will helps temps even more. You might also get lower temps running 191x21 as I have found that 200x20 runs hotter despite being same clockspeed.
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