List your purchases what Royal Fail have knackered...

18 Oct 2002
Getting a bit of a joke now, I probably havent ordered half as much as what other people have from yet I get this:

Heat - Damaged case
Face Off - Damaged Case, snapped DVD
Starship Troopers - Never arrived
CD Album - Damaged Case
CD Album - Never Arrived

wtf do royal mail do with these things? pathetic, its a good job Play are nice and send out replacements.
The posties round here love DVDs as so far had none delivery of all these:

Super Troopers
Full Metal Jacket
Oceans 11
Bring it On

Each time takes around 4-6weeks for play ( not there fault ) to get another out to me, myself and play have sent letters to the local and main Post Offices and of late I havent had a single one go missing.

Few years back I orderd Serious Sam from amazon, and after a week nothing arrived so they sent me another. My father was clearing the Garage out before Christams was a parcell for me. Opend it up and there was Sam, how the postman got in the garage is one thing, how it got in the middle of a pile of junk is another, and why there was no message it was left there is another.
Amazon thought I was on medication when I asked them if they wanted it returned :D
Originally posted by XXXL
...Few years back I orderd Serious Sam from amazon, and after a week nothing arrived so they sent me another. My father was clearing the Garage out before Christams was a parcell for me. Opend it up and there was Sam, how the postman got in the garage is one thing, how it got in the middle of a pile of junk is another, and why there was no message it was left there is another.
Amazon thought I was on medication when I asked them if they wanted it returned :D

lol thats classic m8, I might email them complaining about Royal Mail, see if it makes any differance.
the dvds i have go AWOL on me are

X-Men (dvdboxoffice very good to send out a replacement after the 8 weeks wait)
Dagon (Got to do the claim thru Royal Mail ordered from Futrure Entertainment)
John Q (Still waiting ordered from Ezydvd this was sent out in November and there still looking into it
:eek: :rolleyes: )

i dont think i have ever had any go AWOL from Play or i could have just forget them coz Play sent out a replacement pretty fast
All have had slight damage of either... the DVD release button being in bits/cracks in digipack packaging/split cases and paper cover ripped...

Friends Series One
Air Force One
The Family Plot
Friends Series One (single disc) - lost in post

..and a fairly solid poster tube was bent in half and as such the poster was creased all the way through the middle :o :rolleyes: I think the posties must have been using it as a baseball bat or something similar in the sorting office.

I had a visit to Royal Mail yesterday as part of my uni course - we saw them 'sorting' the mail in one section, and small packages (DVD jiffy size as it just get lobbed around into their specific bags which may have been 1-2 metres away from the person sorting :o

I must admit the service round ours isn't too bad, Although you think finding parcels in your garage is comical? One postman had an ifinity with putting parcels in our wheelie bin :) On a number of ocassions - well at least he left us a message!!
For the first time ever, two orders have gone walkies.

I personally think that someone in the sorting office is on the take. All the ones that had to be signed for have arrived, but the others....vanished

Clerks Animated Series
SG-1 Season 2 Boxset.

In the space of a week i might add.

I was looking at my play ordering to see when Jackass was due to arrive, and though mmmm Slackers, havent seen that one arrive.....yep a week ago it was sent and still nothing :mad:
Thankfully I haven't had any go walkies yet or need to be returned, though have had about 5 where the dvd has been shaken out of the central spindle & been loose in the box sliding all over it & risking scratches :rolleyes: :mad: 4 of these occasions were pressies for christmas for others, so I had to open each & watch them to check they still not all bad :D
oh update: Audioslave CD is still yet to arrive, was posted on the 10th *sigh*

I think someone must have a nice collection of stuff down at the Depot. :mad:
Zulu - never arrived
Ramstein Live Aus Berlin CD - still waiting, now 12 days:(

Usually my postie is pretty good, leaving the packages at my grans as I'm at work during the day. I think the problem is in the sorting office.
we've been fairly lucky, only a couple of DVD's delayed (sometimes for months), and none have arrived knackered that i can remember (3 have arrived as "shakers" strangely enough part of the same series and from the same supplier)

i think our postie is pretty good really, he's the sort that will stop and have a chat for a couple of minutes if he has a package for us :)

oh and he loves my mums dog (just as well, the dog usually goes to say hello to him)
The only thing RM have knackered was my bond tin, but that was more to do with the awful packing. I knwo af quite a few other's whose bond tins were bent when they got them. Other than that, nowt.
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