Liverpool Airport

9 Oct 2004
Hey all,

here's some photos from the road right next to the threshold @ Liverpools runway 27.

Im using my Fuijifilm S5600.

^-- i've added some saturation so the grass comes out better... rest is original

Im a bit of a 'naab' photographer and any tips would be very appreciated.
I noticed on quite a few there were jagged lines? Some AA would be nice :D

Thanks, Rick


Edited in PS, sharped it up a bit :)

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20 Oct 2002
[SpItFiRe-Ace] said:
^-- i've added some saturation so the grass comes out better... rest is original

I'll say this as i always do when people post something along those lines. Why are they the originals? Don't you want to post a finished article rather than something half-finished? I know which i'd prefer to see. Let's put a little effort in to process your shots and present them well for everyone, you'll get more comments that way, i'm sure. :confused:

[SpItFiRe-Ace] said:
I noticed on quite a few there were jagged lines? Some AA would be nice :D

That's because you've uploaded them to Imageshack and let it resize them. Use a proper image manipulator (there's a thread/sticky somewhere with freeware links) to resize them. In future, resize them to ~700px to fit the forum, add a nice simple border (10px of white is perfect imo) and post them directly on here. It's hard to take in a shot when you have to scroll through it -- it's like being stuck right in the front row at the cinema.

As for the shots themselves, theyre not bad. I particularly like #3, but it's a shame you cut off the wings. #2 and #4 are nice too -- nice colours. They're all a bit soft though, could do with some sharpening.
9 Oct 2004
Scam said:
I'll say this as i always do when people post something along those lines. Why are they the originals? Don't you want to post a finished article rather than something half-finished? I know which i'd prefer to see. Let's put a little effort in to process your shots and present them well for everyone, you'll get more comments that way, i'm sure. :confused:

That's because you've uploaded them to Imageshack and let it resize them. Use a proper image manipulator (there's a thread/sticky somewhere with freeware links) to resize them. In future, resize them to ~700px to fit the forum, add a nice simple border (10px of white is perfect imo) and post them directly on here. It's hard to take in a shot when you have to scroll through it -- it's like being stuck right in the front row at the cinema.

As for the shots themselves, theyre not bad. I particularly like #3, but it's a shame you cut off the wings. #2 and #4 are nice too -- nice colours. They're all a bit soft though, could do with some sharpening.

Uhm well I didnt really think about putting borders on them etc, though a black one would like better eh - Okay this makes it look a lot better.. thanks :)

Tbh I should shoved them in Photoshop resized them down to 1/3 of their original size, cropped them (most of em) and uploaded them to imageshack.

I dont really know much about touching up photos.. thought everyone posted originals?

Thanks for the comments :)
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