Living room, big tv!

Jez said:
I dont beleive for one second that it will retail here for as little as £2600 :( It looks fantastic.

Google then and you will find prices simular too these on pre orders, prices will also drop a couple of months after this...

42" £1600
46" £2225
52" £2599 (cant link but also with 0% Pay 07 or £84.91 x36mths)
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42" 1080p panel with 2 HDMI for £1600?

If the initial reviews are as good as I hope, then my initial plan of buying a Sony 40" V2500 is going right out of the window :D
Having seen the Pioneer 500ex its damm good, dont get one without a scaler if you want to feed it anything but HD.

Not sure on the LCD's but black levels suffer on the 1080p Pioneers, they are not as good as the 436 and its down to the smaller pixels aparently.

That Sharp looks pretty damm amazing if the prices are correct, personally i think its too early for 1080p unless you only feed it HD, even the pioneer needed a scaler to get the most out of 720p let alone 480i. The Lcd's will look dire on SD feeds so make sure you will be feeding it what it wants to look good !
With regards to hiding the cables when wall mounting the best option is to hide them in the wall.
Shimmyhill said:
Having seen the Pioneer 500ex its damm good, dont get one without a scaler if you want to feed it anything but HD.

Not sure on the LCD's but black levels suffer on the 1080p Pioneers, they are not as good as the 436 and its down to the smaller pixels aparently.

That Sharp looks pretty damm amazing if the prices are correct, personally i think its too early for 1080p unless you only feed it HD, even the pioneer needed a scaler to get the most out of 720p let alone 480i. The Lcd's will look dire on SD feeds so make sure you will be feeding it what it wants to look good !

Talking to a few people on the AVForums, it seems that the problem for 1080p screens is upscaling 480i and 576i images. 720p scales quite nicely to 1080p.

But considering a lot of my time will be spent watching freeview for the foreseeable future, a good SD picture is vital. I know for a fact that the Sony V2000 range has an awesome upscaler for that, so I hope Sharp can match it!
As mentioned earlier if your not wanting to maximise the potential quality of Hi Def then a common 1366x768 model is probably a better go between for Standard Def and Hi Def viewing. Many are curious to how good the scaling will be in these Sharp models.

Personally i can say ive waited years for the ability that one day a tv would come along that could be central to all my video sources / requirements including good PC usage. People have been talking for years how the PC is moving more into the livingroom and 1080p models will begin to fullfill this even moreso.

Now sit back and imagine yourself sitting there with cordless mouse/keys to some Crysis / Half Life Ep2 etc on a huge 40"+ living room screen, ok done that? Now look at your monitor and say youd still prefer to game on a small TFT. A PC doesnt have to be limited to a desk, particulary with todays applications and many remotes available for general entertainment enjoyment from the sofa.

However dont get sucked into the resolution too much though as you couldnt actually say the imagary from a 1080p model will always be better than a 1366 model, even with 1080 material.

There are many factors regards the overall image quality but having researched these new Sharps coming from their latest factory the word is their a generation ahead of other manufacturers even the "Sony X" series.

These could well be the best affordable HDTVs this year...
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