Where do I begin..
There is one man who walks around with a different coloured umbrella each day, singing 'praise the lord' and randomly talking to himself as he walks along (quite loudly). He only usually wears shorts, sandals and old man white string vest. Does no harm though.
You also have several old people who drive those electric buggy things, usually the wrong way down middle of the one way system.. it's quite entertaining although sometimes it causes a nightmare backup as all the traffic has to stop whilst they drive around aimlessly with no clue. A few months ago we heard a bang - one drove into a lamp post right outside our office lol (couldn't help laugh
Someone blocked the pavement with some industrial bins, and this mad bint was screaming/shouting/raving about how stupid it was (she was right, but this was OTT). Anyway she blocked the one way system and the police had to come out and move her lol.
Oh and there is a guy who walks around in full sheriff suit all the time.. boots, hat, everything. People tend to give him an odd look. He told me he has changed his name by depoll to 'Sheriff' as well
Here is a pic
You have the ye olde window cleaner. He's been cleaning windows in the same street for 40 years - he's over 70 now and still going strong. The only problem is when he reaches up high, his dentures half drop out his mouth. Yum. I don't think he has changed his bucket & sponge.. ever.
A few months ago we spotted some old guy (red faced - obvious hard cider drinker or something) who was staggering along with one of those old people frames. This is fine except every few steps his trousers would drop down
He kept going though - crossed the road - and carried on, pulled them up and carried on, only for them to drop again lol.