Lock-on - dam the game is awkward to use

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
I bought Lock-On yesterday and i can hardly say its user friendly.

Yes its very realistic, but all i really want to do first of all is take off and shoot at something. I still haven't been able to configure the controls so i can fire with my Cyborg Evo joystick.

Anyone else had trouble with this game?
ben_j_davis said:
I bought Lock-On yesterday and i can hardly say its user friendly.

Yes its very realistic, but all i really want to do first of all is take off and shoot at something. I still haven't been able to configure the controls so i can fire with my Cyborg Evo joystick.

Anyone else had trouble with this game?

This ain't no BF2 jets if you want something more accessible then try IL2, action is always there and a lot easier to learn.
Its just the fact that I cannot fire any weapons. Tried sitting through some of the tutorials but they take so long to reach the part you actually want to know.
ben_j_davis said:
Its just the fact that I cannot fire any weapons. Tried sitting through some of the tutorials but they take so long to reach the part you actually want to know.
Hit something like '5', I seem to remember that chooses the AA rails. Then hit 'd' to cycle through the weapons avaliable. Again, this isn't BF2.

Basically a number corrasponds to a type of weapon. Anti-air, anti-ground etc. 'D' then cycles through the weapons availible in that catagory.

Of course, I may be wrong as a) I'm saying this from memory and b) my typing has gone to pot.
neoboy said:
This ain't no BF2 jets if you want something more accessible then try IL2, action is always there and a lot easier to learn.
quicker to get into, much, much harder/longer to master though :)
I really tried to get into LOMAC, but I had to give up eventually.

It's a pity its so complex, but then again thats why its still rated up there as one of the best flight sims ever, even though its pretty ancient.

Its not a flight sim for the inexperienced, it needs dedication and a lot of time and patience to even scratch the surface.

There are a few guys who post here that know the game very well, I recall posting for advice on playing it a while ago and got a good response here.

If you persevere, it can be a very rewarding game to play. I just ran out of patience in the end and admitted defeat. :cool:
Use CTRL+A to speed up the time and ALT+A to slow down. On the take off and taxi mission press CTRL+Q to take control. Press Page up to start the engines then wait about 20 secs. Then increase the throttle by about 30% and the plane shoud start rolling, use the rudder to steer on the runway. Go to the runway, stop, press CTRL+C to close the canopy. Now press F to bring the flaps down. Crank up the throttle to 100%, wait till you reach about 260km/h and pull back on the stick. Then just press G to retract the gear.

Good luck ;)
KizZ said:
Use CTRL+A to speed up the time and ALT+A to slow down. On the take off and taxi mission press CTRL+Q to take control. Press Page up to start the engines then wait about 20 secs. Then increase the throttle by about 30% and the plane shoud start rolling, use the rudder to steer on the runway. Go to the runway, stop, press CTRL+C to close the canopy. Now press F to bring the flaps down. Crank up the throttle to 100%, wait till you reach about 260km/h and pull back on the stick. Then just press G to retract the gear.

Good luck ;)
My tip:

If you can see flames in the mirrors, the controls are acting odd, the instrument panel is playing up AND a nice lady is shouting things at you, press CTRL+E over and over, as quickly as possible whilst shouting 'Oh my god! We're going down!'.

I've watched people in the past bail out after going into a spin. Bunch of girls...
Whats more important to learn first? Taking off or landing? :p

I asked about flight sims a few weeks back and based on the idea's I had; decided to get LOMAC too. I havent got it yet but when I do; I am fully prepared to spend the weeks / months / years necessary to become highly competent (and deadly!). However are the tutorials in LOMAC the best? Would I be better off learning the basics on some thing like FS2003/4/X ?
PlatinumFX said:
Whats more important to learn first? Taking off or landing? :p

I asked about flight sims a few weeks back and based on the idea's I had; decided to get LOMAC too. I havent got it yet but when I do; I am fully prepared to spend the weeks / months / years necessary to become highly competent (and deadly!). However are the tutorials in LOMAC the best? Would I be better off learning the basics on some thing like FS2003/4/X ?
Taking off is easy and you don't need to land. :D

The hardest part is weapon management (imho), and the LOMAC tutorials cover them.
Roduga said:
The hardest part is weapon management (imho)

What you do is - create a campaign, put some vehicles tanks and etc. then blow the **** out of them :D. Best way to practice. Same with air combat.
ben_j_davis said:
I bought Lock-On yesterday and i can hardly say its user friendly.

Yes its very realistic, but all i really want to do first of all is take off and shoot at something. I still haven't been able to configure the controls so i can fire with my Cyborg Evo joystick.

Anyone else had trouble with this game?

You probably should have read up on it then before buying. It's notorious as being one of the hardest games out there.
It is hard, but once you stick with it, then it is soooo much fun. I haven't played it in awhile and can't remember any of the controls. :p
KizZ said:
What you do is - create a campaign, put some vehicles tanks and etc. then blow the **** out of them :D. Best way to practice. Same with air combat.
I just played the A-10 instant-action mission over and over...

Also having books on the subject helped. :D
Played it here too and decided it would be cool if I made an animated .gif from a couple of screenshots :D


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