Lock-on - dam the game is awkward to use

ben_j_davis said:
I bought Lock-On yesterday and i can hardly say its user friendly.

Yes its very realistic, but all i really want to do first of all is take off and shoot at something. I still haven't been able to configure the controls so i can fire with my Cyborg Evo joystick.

Anyone else had trouble with this game?

Any luck with the game yet? :)
Its worth persevering with, its a very good fight sim - easily my favourite.

Just a pity its buggy and BSODs my machine occasionally!! :rolleyes:
I remember trying the demo of this, you even started already airborne and I still only lasted about 30secs before plummeting groundwards in a ball of flame! :D
When i play this game and go get onto air combat, i can never select targets and fire missiles, and then cycle through the targets the missile will never launch and i end up going into flames after minutes :p
i need to try this sim again, as i recall i didnt have problems flying the thing but I couldnt get the graphics looking right and the sound was stuttery. I got the el cheapo re-release version which came with no manuals whatsoever, it might be on the disk but i didnt spend much time reading it.
I took me absoultly ages to learn how to fly, I started off in Flanker 2.51 - the precessor to LockOn, it took me months just to learn how to take off/land (safely :p) and control the Su-27 it wasnt until I got LockOn that I even tried to learn the A-A stuff.

Good job I only do A-G, bring on the helicopter. :D

edit: just to say, practice really does make perfect, i can nearly land with 1 hand tied behind my back, and the other petting a small chimpanzee - ok maybe not, but I can land with no fuel/engine power/bits missing, you just get used to it and it becomes so easy.
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