Looks like a prop from one of the Terminator movies. Not one of the good props at that.

Next April was maybe too long for them to wait to unveil their joke.
I actually quite like it. Its way more than I would be willing to spend on a case but this is a very limited limited edition (300 worldwide i'm guessing a LOT less in the UK) product made from very high quality materials so there is obviously going to be a premium and there must be a market for them. Always amuses me when people jump on the "OMGTOOEXPENSIVE!1one!" band wagon and start berating OCUK for pricing just because they personally think its too expensive.

The finish looks incredible and I can envisage a very cool external W/C setup with matt nickel hardline tubing but not sure who would be brave enough to mod a £900 case.

I can dream hah :D

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Haha ridiculous money, £300 max and even then that is a push. I think OCUK will struggle to get rid of their stock...watch for the toady only deal when the price ...WAS £900...NOW £199.99 :p
I hope you've got them on sale or return. I assume no other retailer wanted them.
Already got one, got it secondhand only paid £40 for it, think its in the garage somewhere.:p


Oh no wait thats my old oil filled radiator:D:D:D
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£900 case yet one of the pictures showcasing it is of a "Made in Taiwan" label, lol.

mmm your point being all the best PC components come from that region, why would cases be any different??

Still a amazingly bad case at an incredibly bad price though, i thought the original one was priced badly enough.
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