<@Nevada> Well look at it this way, if you disconnect your PC graphics cards fan and fire up a graphically intensive game, how long do you think it would take for it to hit say 120.c and die?, now imagine you're repeatedly heating it up to 150.c or higher every time to reflow?, i really wouldn't recommend it.
<@Nevada> Safest way would be to check everything you can (If you can, check cables for bdrom are connected, check that wifi board is connected, check that PSU is operational (swap with a spare if possible, PSU can cause ylod also)
<@Nevada> If you check all of those and you're still getting YLOD then your issue is without any doubt the RSX GPU, you have two options.
<@Nevada> Buy a new console and reflow the old one yourself, to bring it back to life long enough to backup your data and deactivate the machine on your accounts, or to send it off to be reballed.
<@Nevada> Reballing has a much, much higher chance of being a permanent fix if you do not risk destroying the GPU itself with "reflows".
<Xanxion> But is there a risk with reballing too?
<@Nevada> Well, yes there is however if the machines dead the only risk is losing out on the cash spent trying to have it repaired, that said if it works then theoretically it should work for several more years if not longer
<@Nevada> Assuming the GPU is in a working condition, reballing will fail only if a pad becomes damaged, or if it's reballed badly and some (or even just one) of the solder balls bridges.
<Xanxion> Have you had your console reballed?
<@Nevada> Yeah, i have several consoles, some of them launch units (60gb jp ones) that we use for reviewing games, I'm working out a deal with retronix to offer cheaper reballing services to Xbox 360 and PS3 owners, will be posting about it soon on Nyleveia.com, part of this arrangement involved me having them reball one of our 60gb japanese systems (was ylod but not reflowed)
<@Nevada> they reballed that with lead based (RSX only), received the reballed unit a few days later and it's been running solid ever since (40+ hours running our review copy of lbp2 so far)