logitec g15 key bindings

Its pretty simple. Get the keyboard profiler up and choose G4(In your case) choose assign shortcut, give it a name and just past the url into the bottom box.
2nd question :)

im wanting to bind some skills to keys in wow, such as hearthstone, eat food, warrior shouts, not after 1 key to do several spells, just single spells like 1 - = but on the g keys.

thx :)
Hey man,
Basically you'd either have to (don't trust me on this, I haven't played WoW in an age) write them out as you'd write a macro ingame (enter /cast blah enter) with enters around them, to simulate typing them fast (may interfere with movement) or bind the g-keys to some obscure ctrl-shift-z type shortcut, and then use a GUI modifier in wow to keybind those to some hotbars.
Or something along those lines should work, works in Vanguard and random other things, too, I'd imagine.
I had a fair amount of success with G15Übar in the past, though I had some conflicts with some of my other mods (mainly cooldown ones).
hmm what i tried to do was put the skills in the extrabars you enable in interface/advanced, then jus bind the keylike you would any other key, but if i used the top 8 G keys it would bind them to 1-8, instead of g1 - g8, the 2nd set of 8 were f1 - f8, and they didnt save the keys so was doing it every time i loged on,

i will try doing the obscure shortcuts keys like ctrl + alt + 1 etc.

i will also try that addon you posted.

atwork at mo so try when i get home

thx for the help
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