Logitech dinovo mouse

27 Sep 2004
Ive just got the logitech di novo set and the mouse wont turn on, ive charged it and the LED's go up until its charged then i turn it on and no lights, anybody else had this problem or do you think just broken switch? :(
Right sent this mouse back and just had it returned - No fault found!

WTF this mouse is plainly not powering up. Anyone esle with one of these able to give me a hand just to make sure im not doing something stupid, im assuming this mouse should power up without being connected to a PC, it charges in the base unit (the lights flash to show its charging) but when i switch it "on" there are no lights....is this normal? :confused: either way it still wont connect to the bluetooth reciever as its not on :(
Yea I did have some problems setting mine up. I didnt have the mouse problem your describing though. Have you managed to connect it to the BT dongle? I found that it had to be installed on a front USB port on my case for the signal to be stable. When you are using the mouse the charge lights should be on constantly until you take your hand off the mouse, if they are not i would imagin that there is either something wrong with the charge unit or faulty batteries. I assume that you can connect both the keyboard and media pad OK?
dannyraul said:
Yea I did have some problems setting mine up. I didnt have the mouse problem your describing though. Have you managed to connect it to the BT dongle? I found that it had to be installed on a front USB port on my case for the signal to be stable. When you are using the mouse the charge lights should be on constantly until you take your hand off the mouse, if they are not i would imagin that there is either something wrong with the charge unit or faulty batteries. I assume that you can connect both the keyboard and media pad OK?

Yep both keyboard and media pad are fine, they work perfectly but as soon as i remove the mouse from the cradle (with the switch on) the lights go out.
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