Logitech G7 - Good as they look?

4 Mar 2003
The last time I tried the move to a cordless mouse the move lasted for a whole two days before I moved back.
Now it was a little while ago, however I found that there was just the most tiny little lag which was annoying.
I know it was tiny, but I could feel it there.
Also, for some unknown reason I was getting an extremely high-pitched noise coming from the wireless mouse - added up it could have been faulty.
Either way I returned it and went back to wired.

I see that the G7 Logitech mouse is available in Carbon Livery which looks excellent and seems to generally get good reviews.
Any G7 users here on the forums?
What is your opinion - do they make a good purchase?
I really like mine, and don't find any lag issues with it in either desktop or games.
Having said that, I had a logitech cordless mouse and keyboard combo at work about 4 - 5 years ago and I never had any issues with that one either. So perhaps it's just that I don't notice the lag. My house mate also uses my PC and doesn't have any problems with lag either.
I've got a G7 and I find it great, I like being able to adjust the sensitivity on the fly although now that I'm used to a good mouse every normal mouse sucks in comparison. The rechargable battery packs are handy and it is a good shape and weight.
G7 is the best mouse ive owned, but its let down by the constant changing of its little batteries - they only last a day, it only takes like 5 seconds to change them, but i thought batteries nowadays lasted longer.
Lanz said:
G7 is the best mouse ive owned, but its let down by the constant changing of its little batteries - they only last a day, it only takes like 5 seconds to change them, but i thought batteries nowadays lasted longer.

the battery on the logitech mx1000 lasts about 5 days or longer befor it needs recharging. Apparntly 5mins of charge will last a good few hours too :D
Mine was a good purchase - £30 in the MM

Changing the battery on the fly is a major up on my previous cordless mouse

As for lag, that was my big worry, but I can't detect any
I have recently upgraded from the traditional MX510 to a G7 Ltd Ed and being my first wireless mouse am finding it no problem wotsoeva regarding "lag". Its a damned fine rodent altho my ONLY pet peeve would be the fact that after using the 510 for so long I am used to having 2 thumb buttons and unfortunately you only get 1 on the G7 - deffo takes a lil getting used to but is not a major issue.
I hate my G5, its amazing but whhhhhyy did you take away my dam forward button and leave a back :( :( lol
i used a G7 for a long weekend at a mates house and the one thing that annoyed me was the glossy finish. tends to get a tad sticky when your hands warm up a bit :|

ive had no issues with logitech wireless mice either, ther are great.

G7 looks nice, but id go for a MX1000 just for the huge amount of individualy customisible buttons ( 8 extras to program to actions in games etc etc )

a mouse is a mouse though. no mouse can amke you 'better' at gaming lol thats just silly
DAvE18 said:
I hate my G5, its amazing but whhhhhyy did you take away my dam forward button and leave a back :( :( lol

I believe the G5 is basically just a G7 but with wires and customisable weights? If so then I'd set the right wheel tilt to be forwards and the left tilt to be backwards and that sorts your problem.

a mouse is a mouse though. no mouse can amke you 'better' at gaming lol thats just silly

True that no mouse will make you better but I'd argue they can make you worse, a decent mouse will allow you to play with precision, a bad one won't. :)
Yeh set those buttons to that and when you scroll fast you end up clickin back lol

Think im going to go for that nice shiney loigtech mx revolution looks suweet.
DAvE18 said:
Yeh set those buttons to that and when you scroll fast you end up clickin back lol

Think im going to go for that nice shiney loigtech mx revolution looks suweet.

Apparntly there still quite buggy and not a very good gaming mouse.
I have the G7 carbon... Get it NOW !

It has *** shiny finish of the standard version ontop, but it hasa rougher surface on the sides made from a different plastic. Much better than the shiny sides on my bro's standard G7 :

Battery charging is quick, takes a few hours, and will last 2-3 days depending on the amount of gaming your doing.
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