Logitech Z5500 Subwoofer Placement Help

ive put crossover and i cant tell between it on or off.. :(

although my sound card is well dodgy, its like sometimes when i try to switch settings it doesnt, and other times it does when i dont try to switch it...
I dont think my sub cuts out at a frequency cos I havent got bass redirection enabled on my soundcard. But surely the crossover must happen at high frequencies anyway even without the bass redirection enabled or it would sound rubbish??

if the speakers are active (they have a built in amp) then they will have crossovers, yes. its best to leave the soundcards crossover off in that case and left the speakers deal with it. Like badbob said, if they didnt have active crossovers you would hear midrange through the sub and it would sound muffled.
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