London Bridge Crash

That article reads a lot different to how I understood his thread. I know I remember reading that he was likely to face time but thought it was going to be less than that.
Blimey, this looks bad :-(

saying that...

One woman who was also crossing the same stretch of road described how she jumped out of the motorcycle’s way, sounding its horn as it drove at pedestrians crossing the road.
Various evidence including road markings supports collision investigators belief that was Hackshaw was travelling approximately 46mph immediately prior to the impact.

That kind of evidence I think has killed him!
Sounding your horn while driving along a road doesn't sound unreasonable. The story can be easily read as "people wondered out into the middle of the road, hidden behind a bus, and a motorbike was astonished to crash into them".

I feel bad for the guy. Can't see how jail time is warranted here.

edit: that's hardly a quiet road either. Are there no pedestrian crossings anywhere?
Blimey, this looks bad :-(

saying that...

That kind of evidence I think has killed him!

Nah it would have been what the collision investigators stated and what the CCTV (that captured the entire incident) showed.

Those collision investigators are very good at their job, when i had my accident they said a number of witnesses had said
i was screeming down the road like a loonie.

They then told me this happens a lot and that after doing a drag test and going by the skid marks, distance my bike had traveled
after the skid marks and other scrape marks on the road, i was infact doing 32mph when i came off.

I do feel for all parties involved :(
Sounding your horn while driving along a road doesn't sound unreasonable. The story can be easily read as "people wondered out into the middle of the road, hidden behind a bus, and a motorbike was astonished to crash into them".

Exactly this, it's hardly unreasonable to sound your horn if lemmings are walking out into the the road in front of traffic. I read some posts from bikers on various forums about this incident at the time, many of whom had had near misses in the same area due to brain dead peds on phones and ipods etc. walking out without looking. Not that this excuses doing 46 mph in such an area, if that is accurate.

If you ever read the account of the PH member "10 pence short" it shows that witness accounts are very often inaccurate, biased and sensationalised.
No idea about this specific case but as I said in the other thread I used to live up that way and it was really bad for pedestrians just wandering into the road/not paying attention and something should have been done about it a long time ago its not the first time someones been killed there under similiar circumstances. (On the flipside absolutely crazy place to be doing 46mph).
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I'm not saying the horn thing killed him, I'm saying it's when you read it it makes him sound like he was ragging through them, and that's what people read into that sentence, I certainly did. Of course he's going to beep his horn, however, read that sentence and tell me it doesn't sound bad. Sounds like it's making him look a loony!
That kind of evidence I think has killed him!

No, what killed him was 46 in a 30 resulting in the death of a pedestrian.

I live in a city, & you've got more chance of stepping in rocking horse poo than you have of seeing me exceed 30mph in the city.

stuman said:
it sounds like he's aiming at people.

It sounds like he was indulging in the traffic light gp, which, to be brutally honest, even his own account that he posted up kinda sounded like that.
what i meant is that the statement made it sound like he was aiming at people crazed and was looking to kill someone.

but in reality he was going too fast and the lemmings weren't looking at what was going on. so he sounds the horn to try and get them to get out of the way.

however the sensationalist witness comments make it look like he went out of his way to hit the woman.
One could assume that he was probably riding towards pedestrians crossing on a red man expecting them to stop but this particular one didn't.

I ride that same bit of road every day, it's a nightmare as a motorist made even more dangerous by lemming pedestrians. Jaywalking should be illegal.

I feel sorry for both parties involved in this.
As stated jail time is a little harsh but then again he was braking the law :rolleyes:

Oxford can be very bad for people,cyclist,stupid people walking out on you
Its a shame someone died, but I really have to take issue with the article and how it is worded.

It does appear to be quite an 'anti' article.

I think he has made an unfortunate error of judgement and someone has paid a high price for it. His actions of beeping his horn could have possibly been that he realised that and was genuinely trying to warn people to move in an attemt to avoid hitting them. However personally I think it more likely that in such circumstances the last thing on your mind would be the horn as your focus would be on trying to stop and avoid contact with a pedestrian.

It could be that he sounded his horn at the woman 'witness' because she stepped out in front of him and in that moment his attention was on her and not on the road ahead and when he looked round he was confronted by another pedestrian and couldn't stop.

But the fact does remain that he was speeding, and whilst I suspect speed was only one factor in the incident it proved to be the decisive one. Had he been travelling at 30 his poor decision to overtake may still have resulted in him hitting the pedestrian, but she may of survived. If this is the case then it would be a poor decision that was exacerbated by speed, and not speed in itself that was the cause of the accident. If not, then the accident could be attributed to excessive speed only.

I cant help feeling that his sentence is at the lower end of the death by dangerous driving law, as he could potentially be sentenced to 14 years in prison. As such I suspect there were mitigating circumstance in his favour that caused the Judge to show discretion and not impose a more harsh sentence.

My condolences to Ms. Catovsky's family of course, but I dont think Mr. Hackshaws actions were a deliberate attempt to flagrantly disregard the law and cause harm to another individual.

I found this to be an interesting read:


And on the subject of speed, show me a motorbike rider or a car driver that hasn't broke the speed limit in their lifetime and I'll drop my trousers and show you a 52" manhood. Just so happens, he made the wrong decision, wrong time and he's hit someone... a shame, but at the end of the day he was breaking speed limit (it might've been he'd have still killed the lady within speed limit) but combined with what looks like the dangerous manoeuvre he's killed someone, he has to pay... no argument but I do NOT like the way the article is written...
I remember reading a a newspaper article about the incident that the pedestrian was on her phone or using an mp3 player and crossed when the red man was showing.
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