London by night

9 Jul 2003
Spent this evening wondering along the South Bank taking some pictures:

C&C welcome

1. Palace of Westminster

2. Clock tower at Palace of Westminster (aka Big Ben)

3. London Eye

4. Palace of Westminster (again)
5. London Eye from Golden Jubilee bridge

6. St. Paul's Cathedral

7. St. Paul's Cathedral & Millennium Bridge

8. Looking along Millennium Bridge
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I was there tonight too! My mate took almost exactly the same pictures (well, some of them anyway!).

They are reasonably good mate. :)
E1mo & Sleepyd - I have corrected 1 and 6 for wonky horizons, but I think the others are fine in this respect? (I aligned the crop tool in Photoshop to lines that should be vertical and horizontal and it seems fine)

Joe T said:
I was there tonight too! My mate took almost exactly the same pictures (well, some of them anyway!).

They are reasonably good mate.

Thanks, mate. I saw quite a few photographers there tonight! A group of four or five chaps with SLRs and tripods near the Tate Modern and a few others outside the National Theatre, and a few on Waterloo bridge
So, who's up for a London night shoot meet? :D Cool shots. No.2 seems to be a bit wonky too. I bet most of the photographers were there on whale duty.
Nice set, as said some don't appear to be level. Although, some of mine are never level when i shot them anyways! The first and second ones appear to be alittle tightly framed. Could be me tho.

cyKey said:
So, who's up for a London night shoot meet? :D Cool shots. No.2 seems to be a bit wonky too. I bet most of the photographers were there on whale duty.

Tempering Phoenix_Cosmos and I was saying the other day about shooting in London at night..

mmm... 10mm'ness :P
I'd be up for a london "night2 shoot - but i'm up in cykeys part of the world these days (well almost) and hence its a bit of a trek but i'm sure i could make it.
cyKey said:
No.2 seems to be a bit wonky too.

Corrected (I think - it seemed to be all of about 0.25 of a degree out!). Hit Ctrl-F5 to refresh.

Matt Harper said:
The first and second ones appear to be alittle tightly framed.
Unfortunately, there was a ruddy great crane on a barge just out of frame on the left of shot 1.
hoodmeister said:
I really like the composition of shot no. 3 :D

edit : what tripod are you using?

Thanks, but the shot idea was shamelessly stolen from Practical Photography. I'm using a Manfrotto 190Pro B with 484RC2 head. Surprisingly, even though I had the tripod up for over 5 minutes for a few shots at the London Eye, the tripod police didn't give me any hassle (must have been during their tea break...)
I like thos shots mate. Part from the slope, that has been mentioned already, you seem to have a good eye for a shot.

I would be up for a london meet, but i have exams atm, and getting there and back would have to be a train journey for me. plus i dont really know london that well. :(
Seriously, which shots still have a slope? I thought that I had corrected them all (Ctrl-F5 if you haven't already). Maybe I'm blind. Could one of you please Photoshop the shots and show me the difference. I can't see it!!!
Slime101 said:
I'd be up for a london "night2 shoot - but i'm up in cykeys part of the world these days (well almost) and hence its a bit of a trek but i'm sure i could make it.

£25 return-ish on the train if you book a few weeks in advance :) It's only the earliest and latest trains though so could get a whole day of shooting, a couple of hours at night then head home! Been thinking about doing it myself sometime soon.
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