loneliness is as bad for you as smoking 15 cigarettes a day

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acording to this http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/love-sex/little-help-friends-live-longer-article-huib.html, how can this be a valid statement , smoking damages the lungs psyically , lonelyness dosent damage anything and anything mental can heal its self and change , black lungs cant , so this statement is fail...
Pick up the Lancet or New England Journal of Medicine or something. You can die from a "broken heart". Correlations between death, depression, anxiety, etc.
Psychological conditions are also physical changes to the system. If your brain chemistry is altered due to depression/stress etc. then your body reacts to it. Stress is actually one of the main causes of heart disease, Britain's biggest killer.

And yes, lungs can recover from smoking if you quit.
acording to this http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/love-sex/little-help-friends-live-longer-article-huib.html, how can this be a valid statement , smoking damages the lungs psyically , lonelyness dosent damage anything and anything mental can heal its self and change , black lungs cant , so this statement is fail...

Unless you are an intj so couldn't give a monkeys about being 'alone'

Since when is anyone truly alone, heck wish i was left alone for at least 5 minutes nowadays. :p
my mates mum dropped dead in there living room at age 38 infront of her family ,i believe she was smoking 15 + aday could be more , if she didnt smoke she would be alive today and healthy.
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sucks for people like me with aspergers syndrome then

and anything mental can heal its self and change
then why am i stuck with aspergers syndrome for life?.....

 some of the more common characteristics include:

    * Average or above average intelligence
    * Inability to think in abstract ways
    * Difficulties in empathising with others
    * Problems with understanding another person's point of view
    * Hampered conversational ability
    * Problems with controlling feelings such as anger, depression and anxiety
    * Adherence to routines and schedules, and stress if expected routine is disrupted
    * Inability to manage appropriate social conduct
    * Specialised fields of interest or hobbies.
yay me a life of loneliness awaits.

its already killed my current marriage i dont think i will bother again
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i ment for things like being depressed ,sad, and keeping you're self to you're self. this can no way kill you. The aspergers syndrome is a natraul thing so i did'nt mean that could be healed..
A very clever man, once said to me.

Smoking kills, but smoking increases your sociability. Having no social life decreases your life expectancy.

So no social life? Start smoking, your not going to live any less.

He clearly explained that a lot better than me.
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