Long Flight

8 Nov 2002
I will be flying out to sunny Orlando(hopefully) in just over a week but the thought of 9 hours in a cramped seat is niggling me. So to relieve the boredom I was thinking of buying a PSP, could play a game, listen to music etc., but then wondered if you are allowed to use a PSP on and plane and if so how long does the battery last ?
Hope all you well travelled peeps can let me know.


p.s. Is a PSP the best choice ?
psp would be ideal for a long flight.

movies/music/games.. all in one.

wont last 9hrs though :p.. not sure how long they last.. but am sure you can get an extra battery pack
If it's a decent carrier you'll have your own entertainment screen with your own choice of films or classic console games to play on
I bought a PSP for a recent flight and it worked great :)

You can buy a battery back pack which will increase the life, they may even do one that will take normal batteries

depends on what game u r playing TBH, something like Metal Gear acid you will get close to 6 hours probably, but something more UMD access intensive it will be 4ish.

A DS would last you the whole flight (and probably back) on a single charge, but all u can do with it is play games.

Remember u wont need it for 9 hours, if u take:
30mins for take off (iirc FAA law says u need to be over 10,000ft before u can put in head headphones, but it depends who u r flying with if thats applicable)
30 mins for landing (down to 8 hours)
hour for grub 7 hours
30mins or so filling in visa wavers etc u should be ok with a PSP.

I would recommend you get a car charger for when u get there, cos if u are going to sanford expect an hour in the car to your destination lol (unless u r the driver of course lol)
Sounds good so far. Another thing I just thought of, if I see a game I like while I am there will it play on my PSP ?

Better not bother with the car charger as I will be driving :cool:
Remember u wont need it for 9 hours, if u take:
30mins for take off (iirc FAA law says u need to be over 10,000ft before u can put in head headphones, but it depends who u r flying with if thats applicable)
30 mins for landing (down to 8 hours)
hour for grub 7 hours
30mins or so filling in visa wavers etc u should be ok with a PSP.
Don't forget a couple of hours drinking your beer!! ;)
if you get movies on the memory stick it lasts longer, ive gone 7-8 hours with movies from the memory card...
Getting confused here. JUMPURS has a japanese one but Velocity says to get a US one. Do you not just get a UK/Eu one when you go to the High St. to buy one ?
i got a big external battery for mine that and a fully charged PSP lasted me about 9ish hours of use.

but you cant use till your over 10,000 feet, so 30min take off, 30min land cuts an hour off.

should be fine
deSade said:
Don't forget a couple of hours drinking your beer!! ;)

He's driving when he lands though lol

The UK/Eu ones are region free also AFAIK the games do not implement region coding, but the movies do, so the US one would be reg 1 and JAP/UK/EU are Reg 2

Either way yer games are playable all over ;) just dont buy UMD movies in the US lol
Thanks for all the info, as far as I can see OC don't sell PSP's so all High St. retailers will be much the same price wise I suppose. I take it I should get a 1gb memory stick and possibly a spare battery. Any game recommendations, nothing too complex as I only have very old tired thumbs.
id say get a DS and use that SD card reader thingy so you can play movies and mp3's off that. Do you not already have an mp3 player? And the carrier will provide decent in flight movies so IMO its only the games that you need

Allot of a charter carriers have stupid rules. I was banned from using my Ipod on a Mytravel flight to florida and told i had to buy their earphones (£5) and listen to bad music, while being sat next to the bog in a seat that wouldnt recline. (This is what happens when you book things on the cheap and i was this close to an air rage conviction by the end of the flight)

Real airlines are fine, my flights to/in the states on major carriers have both been ok (except continental wanted paying for beer) and ive been able to do work while traveling on my lappy.

Charter carriers are even worse than budget airlines IMO, least budget airlines dont try and stuff you and make it all very clear that they are charging you for so and so extras, Charter flights just stick you when they know you cant escape.
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