long range routers or what else to try?

Not sure if these pictures will help, but this is what I have - This is the back of the antenna up the hill


This is the cable coming from it -


This is the box inside, where the cable plugs in, as does another cat5 cable and the mains power


Then we have the splitter box, which takes the cable from the first box and sends out to both my router and phone


Does that help in any way ?
As always, any replies much appreciated !
Right, that box is more than an antenna so trying to shorten the length of the ethernet run won't help you.

Can you log into it somehow to check signal rates etc?
Yes, that looks like a power over ethernet setup.

Basically, you've got a fast network cable running to the antenna, which carries both data and power. Looks like box number one (the rectangular one with the "ETH" light on it) sorts that power out.

I suspect you might be out of luck here. However, as for satellite broadband, check these guys out: http://www.tariam.co.uk/products/homenet/

I haven't used them, but.. well, that's the pricing and usage you're permitted. Seems that might do the job! Also, is mobile broadband becoming available in spain? I suspect your €250 bills for mobile use might be a thing of the past?

My spanish is a little rusty, but it looks like you can pay 59€ and get 1GB usage. This expires either after you've (obviously) transferred 1gig, OR after 90 days.

...sheesh that's a worse deal than the satellite broadband! Oh, wait, for 50€ you get 30 days "unlimited*" (*go over 1gig and we limit your speed). That might be better, as then you can just press on, without any charges, just with slower internet. Also hinges on you being able to get a vodafone signal; the movistar website wasn't available and I'm not sure what other providers there are in spain.
I thought so, you have a "modem" or something up te hill, and Cat5 coming down the hill. There is not way to improve the speeds, apart from maybe increasing the signal?
Have you tried ringing your isp, and say that you cant get a good connection and you want a more powerful antenna?
Thanks for the further replies guys !
OK, it is a POE setup, and there seems to be no way of connecting to the box to check signal rates. The repair guy who came seemed to think that the cable length was the problem, as his solution, after replacing every part of the chain was to cut a bit off, and move our indoor box to the closer side of the house, which did improve things very slightly, or so it seemed. I did ask about a new or better antenna, but was told that the old one actually seemed to be better than the new one.
We get no vodafone signal, so I use movistar, and despite being about 600m from one of their aerials (when is it an aerial, an antenna or whatever ?) I can only get a 3 bar signal, meaning I get up to 35Kbits a second at best, meaning it takes 5-10 seconds to open a page.
I haver emailed Tariam to see what they say, but the stumbling block might be the instalation costs - around £800 makes it worth trying anything cheaper, so my hut seems to be what to try - I may not be able to increase speeds, but if I can get a reliable connection that would be wonderful !
There must be a way to check the signal rates, the tech should have known how. I would get the alignment double checked as well, long range wireless is very directional.
The tech was some sweaty little geezer who didn't impress me at all (he looked like he hadn't slept or washed for days, and his smell backed it up...) and as for getting them out again - I may win the lottery 3 times in a row first...
The main antenna is only half a mile away as the crow flies, and it all works ok when the weather is ok, making me lean towards shortening the cable first with my 'Hut' solution - I can see the main mast, and it does look like it is pointing the right way...
Ping tests etc do seem to say it is a very local problem, and others close by who have had similar problems have had them sorted by pulling the cables tighter to reduce the length by a metre or two !
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