looking after family

You’re a completely disingenuous poster to be honest. Often claiming it’s other people’s reading comprehension at fault when in reality it’s the way you write. Then instead of owning it, you try to backtrack claiming you were just being a bit cheeky.

I don't think he's capable of reading back through his posts and going "yanno what, perhaps I did word that a bit wrong".

But in for a penny, in for a pound, I'll be bored this afternoon and will continue replying to see how far he goes :D
The "correct me if I'm wrong" crap doesn't give you the out you think it does either. How about spending a minute checking what you post yourself before depositing your utter rubbish all over the forum.
Guy posts about helping family out, thread descends into benefit fraud. Yep, that’s GD.

+1 vote against the formatting change, that was a tough read. First time I’ve seen a thread open centre aligned so kudos for the surprise factor.
According to you and diddums who have chosen to take my reply and push their own narrative of it.
it's not just those 2.
you're post was came across as absolutely minging and that you were putting the op on ignore due to their 'fraud' - that's how it read to most people. if that's not what you meant then that's 100% on you but to start then calling people childish and getting all upset because that's how people read it isn't a particularly good look and would make it seem like you're back tracking.
it's not just those 2.
you're post was came across as absolutely minging and that you were putting the op on ignore due to their 'fraud' - that's how it read to most people. if that's not what you meant then that's 100% on you but to start then calling people childish and getting all upset because that's how people read it isn't a particularly good look and would make it seem like you're back tracking.
@sidimmu right now:

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