Looking at buying my first ever Mac

Doesn't make a jot of difference. Apple are American therefore business is conducted in dollars. UK prices are converted from this.

there a global company, world economic crisis aside. You genuinely think apple computers are good value?

There intel pc's for gawd sake!! and then chrage a small fortune for!!

I'll certainly never buy one again, unless they crash in price.
Oxy, apart from the price (which you seemed happy with when you bought), is there anything else you don't like about it? Just saying that they're overpriced isn't very persuasive.

Tont - I'd be very surprised if they chase you :)
Oxy, apart from the price (which you seemed happy with when you bought), is there anything else you don't like about it? Just saying that they're overpriced isn't very persuasive.

Tont - I'd be very surprised if they chase you :)

erm, I like the hardware. OS X is ok, I prefer arch linux I think overall.

Money to me is the most important factor.

What I'm trying to say I think is.... "Is it worth a hell of a lot more money over a PC running linux or windows?" My answer is no, it isnt worth the extra money for what you get.
What I'm trying to say I think is.... "Is it worth a hell of a lot more money over a PC running linux or windows?" My answer is no, it isnt worth the extra money for what you get.

Not to you maybe. Some of us think it is. Neither of us are wrong. We just value things differently.
They're expensive but not overpriced!

Give it some time when learning the OS. It's a very different beast to vista. Just don't go in using it like a PC. It's a new, better way of computing and i'm sure you'll love it!
Oxy said:
erm, I like the hardware. OS X is ok, I prefer arch linux I think overall.

Money to me is the most important factor.

What I'm trying to say I think is.... "Is it worth a hell of a lot more money over a PC running linux or windows?" My answer is no, it isnt worth the extra money for what you get.

If money is the most important factor then go rake in an office skip for a pc and install linux. If on the other hand you're not poor and you want to run a great operating system from the 21st century that isn't windows, then a mac is a good investment. Yes, a good investment! Depreciation is very low and I for one have saved a fortune from not updating hardware constantly.

I don't want to knock Linux distro's, I support the cause and all. As a free operating system it's very, very good but it is also very, very basic compared with OS X. I used Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu for years through college and university. The amount of time I spent on the command line just trying to get stuff to work doesn't bear thinking about.

Oh, and I am suspicious about your presence in this thread. Linux users can be unbearably pretentious, equally much as some of the most zealous mac users. It wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility for you to claim to having bought a mac, just so you could cause 'mischief'. While others have advised the op to go to the store and try it out, you offer Arch Linux as an alternative. Yeah right.
With said low depreciation in mind, why not sell this in members market? You will probably still have money left over after you have bought your new laptop.
there a global company, world economic crisis aside. You genuinely think apple computers are good value?

There intel pc's for gawd sake!! and then chrage a small fortune for!!

I'll certainly never buy one again, unless they crash in price.

Intel PC? No. You are very much mistaken. Apple use Intel components and using Boot Camp you can run other operating systems. That does not make a Mac a PC.

The market decides the prices. If Apple's kit is so overpriced why is the market share on the increase? The buyers must be happy to pay a premium for the operating system and design.

Mac gear also depreciates much less - I'd still get over £500 for my MacBook Pro that's over three years old. You wouldn't get that back on the equivalent Dell from the time. £200 perhaps on a good day.

Some of the hardware is astoundingly good value. The Mac Pro certainly used to work out the cheapest way to buy a Dual Xeon based workstation.

I'm not some fanboy defending Apple to the death tho - some of the range has obviously lost sight of its original purpose - the Mac mini was £339 when launched and the price has crept upwards ever since whilst PC prices have dropped substantially. Didn't stop me buying the new 2009 model however...
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If money is the most important factor then go rake in an office skip for a pc and install linux. If on the other hand you're not poor and you want to run a great operating system from the 21st century that isn't windows, then a mac is a good investment. Yes, a good investment! Depreciation is very low and I for one have saved a fortune from not updating hardware constantly.

If your trying to suggest im some sort of homeless tramp your very much mistaken. I don't believe in chucking money away, and want good value from whatever I buy.

Why do you need skipped pc parts for linux?

I don't want to knock Linux distro's, I support the cause and all. As a free operating system it's very, very good but it is also very, very basic compared with OS X. I used Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu for years through college and university. The amount of time I spent on the command line just trying to get stuff to work doesn't bear thinking about.

How is linux basic?

I think the command line is easier and quicker to use than a GUI.

Oh, and I am suspicious about your presence in this thread. Linux users can be unbearably pretentious, equally much as some of the most zealous mac users.

See this link:

I can provide a pic with hovis tommorrow if you want?

oh, and I run all four OS' - Vista, OS X, Arch linux and FreeNAS.

so, I'm hardly this linux guru you make me out to be.

Magicboy: Intel PC? No. You are very much mistaken. Apple use Intel components and using Boot Camp you can run other operating systems. That does not make a Mac a PC.

Aside from the efi, macs are intel laptops.

Magicboy: The market decides the prices. If Apple's kit is so overpriced why is the market share on the increase? The buyers must be happy to pay a premium for the operating system and design.

I said, I think there overpriced. I came into post as the OP also said they were really expensive in his first post.

Look I didn't come in here to upset some people, just expressed my opinion. It seems Magicboy and likwid have shares in apple or something. You seem to take it as a personal insult, I only said I wasn't impressed that much with MY macbook and thought it was overpriced.

Why did I buy it? I'm ashamed to say I got caught up with marketing hype and flashy adverts.
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my grandad just bought a mini mac and although i havnt tested it much i was verry impresed. its insanely fast for the specs and size.
To be fair, Oxy was just expressing an opinion and he got jumped upon. He did start by saying that he wasn't trying to make anyone angry and also that it wasn't intended to flame.
OK i have some new ram on the way (4GB Crucial) and i also have a WD black Scorpio to put in as well but i have never installed the operating system on a mac before so is it just like installing vista ?

when i change the drive and ram do i need to hold any buttons when i power back on as i am sure i see that somewhere YouTube but i can't find it now.

would i be OK to do both upgrades at the same time or should i do ram first power up shut down and then do the HD ?
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