Looking for a course

10 Jun 2006
Ok, if i am going to do this i really need to do it tomorrow,

I want to go to uni this year but i can't even choose a course :(

Does anyone know of a course that i could do that deals in computer hardware as opposed to programming and web design? (i did that in college, didn't really enjoy it)

3 Aug 2004
Something along the lines of Electronic Engineering would do things more like that I think, never came across a computer hardware course though we did have a few modules about the subject on my Computer Science degree.
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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Computer systems engineering. It deals with the integration of hardware and software, designing hardware to run effeciently with current and future programming techniques. By the end of the course you should in theory be able to design a computer completely from scratch (CPU architecture, memory BUS designs etc) and program it. The only compulsory programming is done in Java and C, so no crappy php etc. Basic programming knowledge is absolutely vital to designing hardware though as you need to know how it will be used to make it effecient.

Hope that helps, here are the modules for each year at Bristol Uni:

Year 1:
COMS11101 20 Introduction to Computer Science co
COMS11401 20 Programming Project co
COMS12100 20 Introduction to Software Engineering c
EENG11001 10 Linear Circuits c
EENG14000 20 Digital Circuits and Systems c
EENG16000 10 Electronics 1 c
EMAT10004 20 Mathematics with Maple 1 co
EMAT10100 20 Engineering Mathematics 1 co
EMAT10704 20 Discrete Mathematics c

Year 2:
COMS22101 20 Concurrency and Communications c
COMS22201 20 Language Engineering c
EENG20400 10 Digital Systems c
EENG21000 10 Signals and Systems c
EENG22000 10 Communications c
EENG28010 10 CAD Group Project c
EENG34030 10 Embedded and Real-Time Systems c
EENG34040 10 Computer Architecture c
EFAC20001 10 Professional Studies A c
EMAT20530 10 Logic and Information c

Year 3:
COMS21202 20 Symbols, Patterns and Signals co
COMS30121 10 Image Processing and Computer Vision o
COMS30125 10 Fault Tolerant Computer Design o
COMS30201 10 System Integration c
COMS34400 40 CSE Group Project c
EENG31400 10 Digital Filters and Spectral Analysis 3 o
EENG33000 10 Control 3 c
EENG36000 10 Electronics 3 o
EFAC20002 10 Professional Studies B c
EMAT20205 10 Data Analysis co
EMAT31600 10 Computational Intelligence c

Year 4:
COMS30122 10 Advanced Language Engineering o
COMSM0106 10 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing o
COMSM0109 10 Advanced Computer Architecture c
COMSM0115 10 Design Verification c
COMSM0121 20 Individual Project: Business Plan c
COMSM0213 10 Information Security o
COMSM4110 40 CSE MEng Project c
EENG32500 10 Mobile Communications 3 o
EENGM2001 10 Optical Communications Systems and Data Networks o
EENGM2011 10 Coding Theory 4 o
EENGM4011 10 VLSI c
EENGM4021 10 Image and Video Coding o
EENGM4031 10 Embedded and Real Time Systems - Advanced o
EENGM4211 10 Advanced Networks o
EMAT33100 10 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos o
EMATM2700 10 Control Theory o

There are more that 120 credits a year because of optional units but it gives you an idea about the options available and course structure.
Last edited:
26 Aug 2005
Its always going to be hard finding the perfect course.

What did you do at college? It seems something along the lines of a diploma, if so, a vocational type degree would be better suited.
10 Jun 2006
Thanks for the replies guys, Computer systems engineering does sound like exactly what i am looking for,

And, yes it was a diploma i did at college, finished it and passed but decided to get a job after that, bad idea looking back now :(
26 Aug 2005
Its a tricky one considering your main interest is computer hardware. What extent is it? If it is just along the lines of computer support, then a degree won't entirely be necessary for that particular field. However, if you are really interested (electronic engineering) then by all means go for it. You'd have to the find the right balance between University reputation and work load. If it was me, I'd recommend a degree in straight computer science and see how you find it. I was actually into computer hardware myself but I wanted to go back to University. Decided on CS and been loving it since.
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