Looking for a decent X470 motherboard to pair with the 2700X?

Man of Honour
8 Nov 2007
Outer Space
Hi guys,

Looking for a really solid, high quality motherboard for my 2700X, being paired with 16GB 8Pack 3200MHz C14 RAM.

Budget approx £270

Any personal experiences good and bad gratefully received :)
Gigabyte basically doubled up on all the vrm's using doublers lol, so every power phase to the CPU gets shared between 2 vrm's so to speak, this alone helps keep it cool, but to cool things down even more, they wacked a finned heatsink across the whole lot, as far as im aware, its only the X470 Gaming 7 which is their flagship board and only Gigabyte who have done this, VRMs on AM4 are a big issue, especially when overclocking, so anything anyone does to cool them down in my books is a massive plus.

Excellent, thanks :)
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