Looking for a Gaming Surface (Small)

19 Oct 2002
Just wondering if anyone could recommend a good gaming surface with a width of ideally 25cm. I really like the look of the Roccat Sense Mat Gaming Surface but it's just too big (Limited desk space). I could possibly move things around a bit to exceed the 25cm but not much maybe 28/30 cm.

If it helps the mouse I'm using is the Roccat Kone Gaming Mouse.


i just bought one of these steel series pads for use with my habu.

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showp...at=&name=SteelSeries QcK Heavy Gaming Surface

I always seen these threads for spec me a mousepad etc and thought some people have too much money to spend 30 odd quid on a mousemat.

I have to admit to being well mistaken, if you have a high sensitivity mouse a decent pad makes such a difference in gaming and general usage.

I was just using the mouse on the desk surface before, now its sitting on the steelseries pad it literally is like its sitting on air, one tap on the side of the mouse and it will slide right across the pad effortlessley :)
Thanks for all of the replies guys, just ordered a a Razer Goliathus Omega (thought it looked good) and as I needed to change another at some stage also ordered a SteelSeries QcK.

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