Looking for a good web browsing phone

Sorry but... undisputedly the Xperia (WM 6.1, 800x480 touch, keyboard, opera mobile, etc.) is the best internet browsing experience for a phone...

Unfortunatly the phone (for calls) features are ropey at best and reception dreadful... not to mention the horrid camera - if SE could just fix those features it would be the perfect phone.

I would probably look at a phone supporting android tbh as that seems to be one the focuses for developers atm tho I'm not a big fan of the aesthetics of most of the android phones.
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Honestly, the iPhone is pretty much the best device for browsing the web. 2 years on and nothings caught up, let alone passed it. However if your budget won't stretch to an iPhone/iPod Touch, then possibly look at the new Palm Pre, or an Android device, such as the HTC Hero, they are the best you'll get (bar the iPhone). WM devices are amazing on paper, rubbish in practice. I should know, I have a HTC TP2 and while I love it, the browser on my 1st gen iPod Touch makes it look pathtic. Opera mobile/mini do okay(ish) jobs but can't compare.

Look for the forthcoming Nokia N900, as Nokia have stepped up the game considerably, but your looking at a device that is buggy, and not so good as a phone, also pricey too.
hmm skyfire has some nice features tho unfortunatly it seems a lot slower than opera mobile and doesn't zoom as nicely (looks blurry)... but... but... I can actually use the full PC version of iplayer through it including playing the video! and some other flash/java sites work properly exactly like on the PC :D deff. gonna keep my eye on this one as java/flash on opera atm is pretty ropey.

EDIT: I'm actually a little bit blown away by this - suprised I've never run into skyfire before... tried the HD version of a video on iplayer tho and the poor phone almost cried.

EDIT2: Full PC version of youtube works nicely as well :) tho again HD videos are a stuttery slide show, but normal quality runs sweet with just the very odd pause.
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Windows mobile with http://www.skyfire.com/ is the best or opera browser (not mini).
The company behind Skyfire has been bought by RIM, so don't expect any more updates for WM.
Sky Fire also actually farms the rendering to their own server, then pipes a mobile optimised version to your device, just like Opera mini does. This mean some location sensitive sites won't work.
I'm not a fan of the proxied web serving skyfire does :( especially when my phone has the capabilities and bandwidth to handle the main site fine - deffinatly won't be using it on any sites that I have to login on, etc. will kinda suck if the servers go down too as its the only browser I've used so far that has broad flash/java support that actually works sort of.
I'm not a fan of the proxied web serving skyfire does :( especially when my phone has the capabilities and bandwidth to handle the main site fine - deffinatly won't be using it on any sites that I have to login on, etc.

any reason for that?
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