Looking for a new hard drive

6 Jun 2005
Hi Everyone,

Currently I have a 250GB SATA 1 and a 80GB IDE drive and im currently thinking about getting a 500GB drive and throw out the old 80GB.

I've been out of the loop with the hardware industry for some time now but for some reason the Samsung SpinPoint (http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-036-SA&tool=3) drive seems to pop into mind...

Can you guys and gals please comment on if this drive is any good and if applicable, any alternate reccomendations? I would appreciate it?


The Samsungs seem like decent drives but if I was about to buy another drive at the moment I'd probably be thinking about a Western Digital AAKS series drive, very fast and ought to be reliable to boot. :)
Aye to be honest my 80GB is a WD Caviar drive which I have been more than impressed with.

The AAKS series was another drive I had my eye on. Hmmm, decisions decisions
I just got 2 WD 320GB AAKS drives to run in raid0 and a 500GB AAKS to run as a second drive. I love em, fast & quiet :D The 500 takes oodles of time to format lol
I shall be buying anew drive next month as I think that one of my Maxtors is playing up, but either a Samsung or a WD drive :)
Dont just throw out the 80gb, some of us have uses for them there drives. Shame you havent got the required post count to acces MM.
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