Looking for a new single player game. Don't know what one. Ideas?

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions so far.

The outer worlds is the game I was (failing) to name :)

I was going to buy that but it went down the Epic-only route so they can kiss my arse. By the time it became fully available I'd already watched a detailed playthrough so it's not worth the price to me any more. Had it been fully available I'd have bought it on release day.

This may not be exactly what you are after but since you mentioned playing 7 Days to Die previously, have you tried any of the overhaul mods you can get for it?

I have put hundreds of hours into the Darkness Falls mod having got a bit bored with the vanilla game - it doesn't reinvent the wheel but adds an awful lot of content that makes the game longer if that's of any interest??

I'd been thinking about it. I've played slightly modded vanilla 7 Days to Die for ~250 hours. I just finished building a giant solid pyramid solely as a noteworthy feature to draw attention to trader Bob as he's a nice chap. That clarified that I've played it enough and I'm just making up things to do :) I am going to try Darkness Falls though - it might have the right combination of difference and sameness to appeal to me. As long as I can still turn horde nights off because I'm not a fan of tower defence games.

There are some cracking indie games out there. Here's a few stand out ones that spring to mind from multiple genres.

Dead Cells
The trine trilogy
Curse Of The Dead Gods
Super Meat Boy
Bit.Trip Runner

There's a lot of really excellent games out there and best of all these are usually far cheaper yet just as enjoyable as AAA games.

I'll check those out. I often buy indie games. The fact that they're cheaper means I buy more of them. If I buy a few and only like one of them, well, that still only cost me the price of one AAA game. It's finding them that's the main problem for me. There's so much junk out. Asset flips, never-finished early alpha versions, etc.

Imagine liking singleplayer RPGs, owning Witcher trilogy, not having played it, and asking what to play

No offense but that's wack

It is a bit weird. I'd forgotten I had them. Makes me wonder what else is lurking unplayed in my libraries.

Other suggestions:

I bought Cyberpunk 2077 a few days after release. For the full £50. I liked it even then, despite the bugs and the glaringly unfinished parts resulting from it being rushed out before being finished.

I'll look into the other games people have mentioned.

Thanks again for suggestions.
2 Jan 2004
I'd been thinking about it. I've played slightly modded vanilla 7 Days to Die for ~250 hours. I just finished building a giant solid pyramid solely as a noteworthy feature to draw attention to trader Bob as he's a nice chap. That clarified that I've played it enough and I'm just making up things to do :) I am going to try Darkness Falls though - it might have the right combination of difference and sameness to appeal to me. As long as I can still turn horde nights off because I'm not a fan of tower defence games.

I'm pretty sure you can turn the horde night off still (although I've never tried!) - but mod does have more of a storyline meaning that there is an aim to "finish" the game so to speak!
23 Jul 2009
I bought Witcher 1, 2 and 3 but haven't played any of them and forgot about them. So that's another option.

1 and 2 are a bit dated now, but Witcher 3 is the gold standard of RPG and really set the bar. Every side quest has a proper story to it so you never feel like you're doing samey fetch quests.

RDR2 is also an excellent game if you are more shooty than fantasy.

Can't go wrong with either of those.

If you want something totally different, have you tried the telltale walking dead games? Season 1 was amazing.
6 Oct 2004
- Fallout 4 - a new modded to hell run through which totally changes the game and I'm currently loving so is getting most of my playtime.
What mods you running that make it so different? I want to give it another play through but it's the same thing over and over as i've completed it a couple times.
14 Jun 2004
How about some pof these
Subnautica (i iinsed this with around 50hrs and enjoyed it if not got a bit fustrated at the end trying to locate stuff).
Subnautica : Below Zero
Beathsedge : some what amusing but agian good reviews i'm only party through.

Dyson Sphere Program, as Factoria (another recomendation with just over 100hrs) & Satisfactory have been mentioned.

honorable mention to minecraft and all its mod packs.

Divinity Original Sin 2 - always has good reviews
Pillars of Eternity

Hardspace : Shipbreaker - a bit differant and some what stress free ship dismantelling

Boarderlands 3 - i have 150hrs in :eek: thats a lot of time for me..

x3 Terran conflict & Albion - economy simulator and trador / or start on x4 if you have a good PC


Gloomhaven - good reviews and a faithfull implementation of the board game

Observation - is a differant take, its a play once type of game though, you could watch the videos on youtube.
11 Apr 2003
Subnautica is one of the best games I have played. Love the blend of survival, exploration and story - most games cannot get that right. It is utterly relaxing until it gets terrifying.

Other game I have in library but not had a chance to play is Psychonauts 2 - usually not a big fan of 3d platformers but the first game was utterly brilliant.
10 Apr 2011
Elden Ring - Probably the best game I've ever played. It's got a real steep learning curve and if you stay away from youtube you have to figure everything out, there is no hand-holding at all.
God of War - Visually impressive and love the lore involved.
The Witcher 3 - even at its age, once modded this is some of the best graphical and gaming content out there.
Hades - great one to pick up and put down. Dungeon crawler genre at its finest.
Katana Zero - epic retro soundtrack and graphics - 2d platformer
26 Mar 2007
What mods you running that make it so different? I want to give it another play through but it's the same thing over and over as i've completed it a couple times.

The best one you can install is Sim Settlements 2. It adds so much that on its own that there's too much to list but its properly game changing while staying with the vanilla fallout 4 story.
I also have texture packs / weapon packs / weather packs / loot sorting etc but these are all personal preference stuff.

Playing survival as well also feels like the way the game should be played,
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