Looking for a text adventure game - any of these still exist?

30 Mar 2016
East Lothian
After playing Stories Untold recently, which is mostly done in a retro text adventure style, and really enjoying it I was wondering if there are any text adventure games out there available for PC aside from using a Spectrum emulator? Couldn't find a text adventure tag on Steam...
I can't believe nobody's mentioned the Infocom text adventures. There are over 30 of them, all top-notch titles. Seriously; the best you can get.
Good news too: they're abandonware by now, and you can get the collections from all sorts of places for free. You just run them with an interpreter called Scumm, which mostly provided. Just run Scumm and choose an Infocom title from the drop-down menu. And make sure you get the manuals too, they're fun to read.
They work well on modern PCs too.
Twin Kingdom Valley and Hobbit on the C64.....Bring back the memories.

In a time when we had patience.......
It'll take 20 mins to load a game....Then It'll crash so we just turned the C64 off and on again and tried again..........

If my laptop doesnt boot up and be able to be used within 40 secs I'm ready to throw it in the bin.........Oh how we've changed...lol
Thanks for all the responses. I found a top 30 text adventures list after a google search (link below) which lists some of the aforementioned Infocom games. I clicked on the link for a game on this list called Vespers which led me to downloading a Z-Machine Interpretor (whatever this is/was?) and to finding sites with databases of literally thousands of 'IFs' (interactive fiction). I had a shot of the adventure/story and it is really good fun to play though although the interpreter I downloaded only displays text, where as I think there is a version of the game with illustrations and sounds. So I haven't found exactly what I was looking for as I was hoping for more of a 'game' with sounds and illustrations to go along with the text adventure but I think I could really enjoy these 'Interactive Fictions' if only I could spare the time - as things stand I can't get enough hours in the day to play my beloved 'video games'...


Still on the look out for a modern text adventure in the style of Untold Stories if anyone reading this thread knows of any, I'd be very grateful for a steer.
dwarf fortress ?

I am confused do you mean graphics made out of text or..?

Isn't there some very old retro tech that is usually full of text and have adventure in them, I believe this tech is called 'books'. I saw a few of them once, when I was a kid.
There are mountains of text adventures, better known as Interactive Fiction now. Check out the yearly competition http://www.ifcomp.org/ short intros competition http://www.allthingsjacq.com/introcomp/ or with larger games Spring Thing is good http://www.springthing.net/2017/
There are many game formats, some are playable directly, some can be played online, some need an interpreter (Winfrotz, Gargoyle, TADS, Alan, Quest, ad infinitum). The IFComp is a good place to start and it makes it easy to play the games without mucking around too much. Some of these will have graphics & sound, not sure if it is what you are really looking for though.
Re. z-machine this was the interpreter used to play Infocom's game data files and is now used (eg. Winfrotz, Gargoyle) to play files with .z5 .z8 formats, among others.
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