Looking for a TFT (DVI vs VGA. 19" vs 17")

27 Sep 2004
So i'm looking for a new TFT. I have a 17" CRT atm, and i want a TFT to go with it. So to begin with:
I've looked up DVI vs VGA, some people prefer DVI some people don't notice any difference. a lot of 17" monitors i've seen don't have DVI, which at first pushed me towards buying a 19" with DVI (AG Neovo or Samsung 913) but i thought instead of googling it'd be a good idea to post here.
Can anyone give me some advice?
I watch a lot of tv show episodes, films etc on my PC (about 5 hours worth a week). I game a bit (one 2d mmorpg, cs, cs:s) and general web browsing, music listening, msn etc.

Like to add i don't want to spend too much, hence i mentioned the AG and Samsung as they are quite cheap, but with everything i was wondering if i spend little i'd get little in return.
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