Looking for co-op games

10 Apr 2004
Darlington, County Durham
Right I want to play a game in co-op mode, over the Internet. But I'd like to play the game's storyline, not deathmatch, CTF, CS, etc.

Ideally I'd have liked to play such games like Farcry, FEAR, HL1 or 2 - but I see no way of doing so. :(
Farcry had a coop mod.
Didnt work brilliantly but it did work.

HL1 has had Svencoop for years, en which you can play through HL1 or a huge amount of custom maps.

HL2`s version of Svencoop is in the making.
played serious sam with my housemates, i found it pretty boring

There really aren't enough co-op games,

i can only think of aliens vs predator, but thats pretty old and probably not worth the effort.
Unreal had a coop mode you could play online but might be hard finding a server now that is running it. Same with UT they made a single player mod that could be played as coop, again might be hard finding a server running it.

Some coop ideas for you:

Rainbow Six series (rogue spear was great)
Ghost recon series
Swat 3 and 4( i think)

They are more individual missions, but are still worth a go, if a little old.

Non FPS wise there is Neverwinter nights, Soldiers heroes of WW2, Dungeon seige 1+2 you could try too.
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Quake had co-op mode built into it from release. In fact, I first played the Quake shareware version in co-op mode on a LAN using a pair of 486's.

There's also a huge free add-on mission (you'll still need the full game to play it) called Nehahra, which is great fun in co-op mode too.
It was released about 5 years ago, but the authors have recently started working on an update for it so theres more to come shortly too.

Serious Sam was great fun in co-op mode too. Nothing mentally taxing, just HORDES of monsters continually pursuing you. The scale of it is what makes it fun.
there's no story but perhaps freelancer may be of intrest.. the essence of the game is a progressive continuation buying ships, equipment and weapons that enable you to explore further and take on higher levels of BBS mission/foe. co-op really suits the gameplay.

info and singleplayer demo:

note the photosensitive warning, if that's an issue it will be with this game. i recommend playing in the external view even if you don't have such issues because the cockpit view and some weapons cause the full screen to flash (not too nice for anyone i dare say, over a 5-10min battle).
HangTime said:
Serious Sam
Doom 2
Diablo 2
Red Alert 2

All good co-op games IMO.

lol @ doom 2. I like my retro games well enough and have many fond memorys of wasting my childhood switching between that and tie fight day on end. However I think its a bit dated now to realy consider playing. Red Alert is another matter tho, RTS formats aint changed much, if at all since RA2. Its still a great game.
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