Looking for co-op games

There was a coop game bundled with HL1 for the PS2 and it was exellent, really good fun. I wish they would bring something like that out for the PC but HL2.

H&D2 expansion pack has co-op..and bloomin fun it is with 4 people

sadly the original didnt which is a shame as it has some cracking missions

the expansion is good though...its a game I love as the rifles just feel so right..hard as nails though
The original did H&D did have coop. I used to play it with my brother. You can switch between all 4 people.

Well at least the downladable one from freeloader and the one sold in the shops as H&D deluxe did. Maybe the original version 1.0 didnt.

I'd definitely post Op Flashpoint and swat 3 as most my most played coop games.
Call Of Duty / CoD United Offensive / CoD 2

The only ones I can think of after wasting far too much time on there the past week or so...
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