Looking for job suggestions. No qualifications, just 3 years experience doing manual work

13 Aug 2021
Hello everyone, this is my first post, I was browsing the internet trying to figure what jobs should I try to get and I ran into this forum, I believe people who post here is very educated and wise so I want to give it a try. Im 25 years old, recently I quit my job after 3 years because of some issues, I worked as a porter and my main rol was setting up meeting rooms or areas of the building for scheduled meetings or events. I'm currently studying Mathematics part time with the OU (starting stage 2 in october) I started to study this 1 year ago after discovering that I like maths and my long term goal is finish this degree and then try Computer Science. Now Im thinking what kind of job a person like me with no qualifications(I finished high school but I dont know if thats relevant) at the moment could try to get. I can afford to stay at home without a job for a few months so I was thinking about doing some short courses that would create more job opportunities for me, but I don't know how realistic is this. I have interest in computers but to be honest alI ever did was mainly play computer games and I recently tried to learn veeery basic programming and I enjoyed the procces of writing the right order so my program does what I want it to do, but as I say it waaas super introductory, no more than 2 hours into it. I would like a job related with computers but Im perfectly aware that I don't have any knowledge on this yet, so my options are doing some courses first or find a job, but I wonder what kind of job and if there is anything new I can try where they could value my experience in my previous job. Or just something where I can start from scratch and work my way up since Im craving to learn. Obviously Im making my own research and trying to figure it out on my own, but I feel like somebody could come up with something that never crossed my mind.

Sorry if that was too long, I wanted to give some context in case that help me get better replies. Also excuse my grammar, I still need to polish my English. Thank youu
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I believe people who post here is very educated and wise so I want to give it a try.

Well, that's very flattering, but less than accurate.

'Computers' is quite a broad area. You've already looked programming, what do you like and dislike about that? What do you enjoy more generally?
Well, that's very flattering, but less than accurate.
Haha, you are probably right.
'Computers' is quite a broad area. You've already looked programming, what do you like and dislike about that? What do you enjoy more generally?

I really like enjoy the thrill of thinking logically how to tell the program step by step what to do so you get the desired output, the room to creativity since you can write different codes with the same goal and you can also create something totally new up to your imagination. Also the big potential that it has, as you said Computers is quite a broad area, I read the introduction to this book called Programming Principles And Practice Using C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup where he explained that computers are everywhere from the most basic watch to rockets, due to this I don't know exactly what about computers I will enjoy more but I assume I will start to figure it out once i start learning Computer Science.

About your second question, I'm really not sure. I've been three years working in this job and usually when I got home I would just relax playing games or watching something, until one year ago that I decide to study Math, so I could say I like doing maths, I don't have advanced maths knowledge yet though. But maybe Im missing the point of your question.
If you like maths, i think you will also make a good programmer and i will provide some guidance for it. Stroustrup is an absolute king , to be honest, I've have about 12 years under me and still find some of his works hard to read. So good you. If you like his book + seem to want to be in computers, i can suggest doing a beginner course of udemy (any python programming would be a good start sort by rating and dive in ...its almost always on sale for 10-12$) .

Its a broad field in programming as well.Usually if you know one language, you can transition to another quite easily. However bottom line is you may not carry all the expertise I.e a C++ programmer might struggle with more web related programming/design etc.

I would recommend you try to do something in python + math : https://nostarch.com/doingmathwithpython as it seems like a cross section of your interest.
Secondly , there are other branches of computer science you will need to pick up to become a good programmer , namely Algorithms ( Algorithm deisign manual , Skiena)

You should be able to find books if you know where to look -wink-wink-

If you prefer video instructions look at coursera :

This is a good course on algorithms and you should be able to get away without a book for most part , google the rest : https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part1

Eventually , you should either build a side project or contribute to open source projects. Both are highly valuable to have on a CV.
Of-course, you might learn you hate programming and there will be more branches you can look up i.e devOps or security.

Unfortunately , none of these will pay you straight up and you will need to grind up to a acceptable level.

Good luck!
If you like maths, i think you will also make a good programmer and i will provide some guidance for it. Stroustrup is an absolute king , to be honest, I've have about 12 years under me and still find some of his works hard to read. So good you. If you like his book + seem to want to be in computers, i can suggest doing a beginner course of udemy (any python programming would be a good start sort by rating and dive in ...its almost always on sale for 10-12$) .

Its a broad field in programming as well.Usually if you know one language, you can transition to another quite easily. However bottom line is you may not carry all the expertise I.e a C++ programmer might struggle with more web related programming/design etc.

I would recommend you try to do something in python + math : https://nostarch.com/doingmathwithpython as it seems like a cross section of your interest.
Secondly , there are other branches of computer science you will need to pick up to become a good programmer , namely Algorithms ( Algorithm deisign manual , Skiena)

You should be able to find books if you know where to look -wink-wink-

If you prefer video instructions look at coursera :

This is a good course on algorithms and you should be able to get away without a book for most part , google the rest : https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part1

Eventually , you should either build a side project or contribute to open source projects. Both are highly valuable to have on a CV.
Of-course, you might learn you hate programming and there will be more branches you can look up i.e devOps or security.

Unfortunately , none of these will pay you straight up and you will need to grind up to a acceptable level.

Good luck!
Thank you very much for your guidance, I'm gonna write this down because I can see better the direction I have to walk and I want to refer back to what you told me so I can stay in the right track.
I just read the description for Doing Math with Python and it looks really fun, I don't know what else is out there but I would dare to say that you just gave me the perfect book for me, I will be able to review my Maths at the same time that I learn programming. I even have the feeling that it might help me understand math better.

I understand it will take time to be competitive but its ok because it looks like a thrilling journey. Just gotta make sure I make consistent progress over a long period of time.

Once again, thank you!
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