Looking for mature clan members (Moh/BF3/Blackops)

17 Jun 2009
Well its that time again when we're looking for sum new faces to join us in MoH, black ops and BF3.

Rather than spin you a few one liners.... i'l just show you some pic's video's that show we're an active clan who purely love to have a lol... + we will be at i-series ever year.... so if your 18+ your welcome to join us (2week trial will be given, all members voted in):

(At i-40 weekend before last.... did pretty well in the BC2 comps but got knocked out by Dignitas)

One of our drunk nights blowing stuff up


Bc2 kinda died out but we're all waiting for BF3!

Current TFU supported games are:

CSS (20 man server)
BC2 (16man SQDM)
MoH (24 man server pre-oreded)

Pretty much 99% of our clan is from OCUK

So ith MoH fast approaching I’ve just pre-ordered a MoH 24 man (maximum) server. As usual we’ll be opening this to all OCUK members meaning you’ll get priority spots when server is full. All you’ll need to do is a message any admin in the list below. The list will be pretty small however I will be looking for people to admin the server for me… you must be an active part of the clan for this tho.

TFU still has an active BC2 clan although a lot of members have stopped playing and are awaiting BF3. So we are looking for any1 who is interested In joining the clan on either a social level or a competitive level. We are a close nit clan and have built up really good friendships. Also if you’ve ever fancied going to an i-series event then you’d benfit in joining us as we’ll be going twice a year as a clan.

Most if not all of our current full members are from OCUK, we’re a casual clan with hardcore aspects. Meaning we have a structure in place to support the casual gamer and the more match orientated player.

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TFU ARE PROB GOING TO LITE i42 (April 21st - 25th)

Quick background of TFU. We were a large CSS clan who had 2 ESL/ED teams and 25+ active members. As time went on i decided to start a battlefield section. It went better than expected and we had 35+ active BF members all of who are still lurking/taking a long brake from PC gaming, we had an average of 20 - 30 people on vent a night. We were active in ED competitive clan in the Bc2 ladder and beat the best team in europe (apparently) , however after that we couldn't get any matches due to Bc2 failing and people leaving the game. Our numbers took a sharp drop and left us with a core 10 -15 who are still here and going strong. So all i'll say is there will be times when you'll be on your own in the BC2 room, however pretty much every Friday and Saturday night we're always on our server having inter clan battles while the server gets full (fills pretty quick). Also the nights in the week are hit and miss.

Anyways due to Bf3 being announced its given us a new direction to go in, the problem is trying to keep every1 interested in the mean time, so we've bought a maxmium slot server in MoH and will be buying a 18man black ops server which we can all have some fun on until bf3 + its a great way for every1 to get to know each other.

Hey, any chance you could let a mature 16 year old into your clan?, BC2 is getting really boring on my own :(.

Tell you what... join our mumble server and we'll see what your like ;)

Davola I only play BC2 now.
Not going to buy COD.
Might get MOH.
But definitely getting BF3.
And I would never play alliance on WoW

Not really much point in me signing up.

You kinda sum up what we're doing. We are playing Bc2 in the mean time, going to try MoH while we wait for BF3. Join our mumble server BF channel and have some games with us. You'll enjoy.

Also ive stopped playing WoW for a while about 5 guys still playing it tho ;)

ssharp59 i only really get on so often, and only really play bc2 , however ive joined the muble server, currently sat in afk as (djinuk) hopefully ill get a game with you guys soon.

Welcome ;) .... Our mumble is up and down, sometimes its busy some times it not, last nite was pretty full in the Bf channel.

danielanthony Have signed up on the clan website, once that's approved I can put in an application

All I then have to do is buy a microphone as I think it's a banter prerequisite

Great stuff all apporved and awaiting your app.


I'm not in this clan, nor do I have any interest in joining it, but if you've never been in one before, you should really consider joining them.

The banter and comradery you get from playing with a good group is half the fun of online MP.

Thanks mate. Much appreciated.

iamtheoneneo seems all bc2 clans are falling flat , i guess thats what happens when a console game comes to pc....
shame you dont do starcraft!

tbh im looking for a clan that goes to the i events, so i may be interested (i used to play a lot of tf, css and bf2,bc2) but im actually only playing starcraft and mw2 at the moment. lol.

Yup thats spot on! Its been difficult since Bc2 kinda fell flat, however we have a core group of members who will always be TFU.

Few of our guys do play Starcraft, put a post up on our forums and see if you can get a few games going ;)

Megahurtz400 When BF3 rears its head ill may be interested, under one condition! We can make a STUNT VIDEO :P

Made one with my old clan in BF2 (would have been in 2005 jesus!) and it was SO much fun and have been wanting to make one ever since

But yeah, get another thread up when it comes out to remind me and im there

You can count on me doing that haha.

And trust me we are all about doing stunt video's.... as you can see below

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My arms been twisted into buying BC2 so will get it in a few weeks i expect!

Going to sign up now :)

Yup just saw and sent the activation email… welcome mate.

I’m loving BC2 again…. We usually have in clan war’s on SQDM which is where the fun’s at!

Great to see a few new faces in mumble, seems your like every1 fitting it… great stuff!
Really getting back into BC2 :D, did i overhear somthing about you are going to change the squad deathmatch 16 man to a 24 man mixed mode?, hope this is ture becuase i get board of squad death match :(.

You did indeed, luckily we do have enough scope to up the server slots to 24. We could go to 32 however after reading the beasty "offical Bc2 thread" it seems 32 slot servers take the team work and objective work out of the game... 24 slots seem to work far better + We can switch between SQDM and rush/conq.

Spils If you need an Anti air expert and bf3 as a Gustav id be interested \o/, Played with you once or twice goon, and one of your guys rifleman plays bc2 with some of my friends most evenings seems a good player, decent chap who doesn't take himself and the game to serious.

For that reason I may be in.

Cheers man, we have a lot more people playing BC2 now than we did back then. Be great to have you, even if you just wanted to jump on mumble is fine with us!

Hi Goon, I will be looking forward to doing some more gaming with you guys in Black Ops and MoH, I joined a while ago, but only played for a couple of months before BC2 died out, remember me ? :p

Yeah defo remember mate, no problem. Quite a few other guys are same as you pal. The game kinda feel flat but does seem to be slowly picking up again... your welcome back anytime, application is still in. Wasn't going to get rid of any1's app until BF3
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TFU Maccaria/macca672 (Event organiser): Yes it will be held at Newbury Racecourse again, as will most iSeries events for the foreseeable future. Multiplay said themselves that the other venue they have used in the past, Stoneleigh at Coventry, is not financially viable for them. This is in main due to the recession and lack of uptake from sponsors.

Its Easter weekend. Thursday the 21st (with Early Arrival Service ((£15 extra)) ) to Monday the 25th.

The Friday it encompasses is good Friday and the Monday is a bank holiday so getting time off work shouldn't be a massive problem for people. If work do give you hassle over it then by law there are two bank holidays a year they cannot force you to work as they are religious festivals, Easter and Xmas Lot of people suddenly becoming Christians I sense :p

Its not an iLite as far as I'm aware but is generally not as busy as the summer lan so I'm led to believe.

Details and sign up's can be found here:
Definetely interested, im a decent online player but havent played anything much online since my old counterstrike clan ended years ago, i hate playing with randoms. Im 38.

Yeah sounds good, any1 can apply to be a trial member. We then have a voting in procedure in that all full memebers wil have final say. That way every1 who is in the clan is there because every1 want him/her there.

Worth a read of the below link, it will give you an idea of who we are:

If you are all going to be on tonight I will pop on too, and give non hc mode a try for once.

I'll dl mumble too.

My soldier name is different to my forum name by the way, it's Dave Gyte. I wear an OcUK tag. :)

No prob mate, as i said its hit and miss, some times i busy other times its quiet. We used to only have hardcore servers but because all matches are normal we've been playing that... it does kinda grow on you after a while.

Was wondering why there wasn't many on warcraft the last few weeks, starting to get a bit bored of it myself.
I shall spark up bc2 tonight for a quick run around.

Yup WoW got a little boring for me and i've missed my FPS :D See ya later mate
It would be great to be part of a decent clan but i just don't get the time to play online these days :(

I'm in the same boat, i have a 5 month old daughter. We are a casual/hardcore clan. Altho the hardcore aspect isn't really happening atm as their are no leagues to play.

We always have guys drop in now and again so your welcome.
Wow server very busy, best of all tho no idiots!!! Every1 sound as having a laugh!


Had some fun games on there tonight. You were right about the non hc. I still managed to kill people :D

Defo mate, i'm enjoying it now tbh. I dont think it works if you go back and fore the modes. Good to see you tho.
Had a good time this evening. One knife fight with Thegoon84 sticks in my memory. Eat my pistol :)

Never played Squad Deathmatch before, think I prefer rush or conquest tbh. SD is good for when there's less people about I guess

Ahhhhhhhh d_brennen…. Yeah I remember getting into lots of knife fights with you…. Didn’t know you were from OCUK mate! Make sure you stick the OCUK tags on pal in case we accidently kick you to make room for members/ocuk’ers ;)

Yeah was fun last nite, 16 people on mumble and 10 TFU guys on a 16 man SQDM server…… every1 felt the wrath of my knife haha! The server will be going to 24 man by the weekend.

I prefer Rush hands down. And I hear that is what they play in competition games so that's good.

I don't really like conquest but I reckon that is because I am always playing on my own, meaning I am playing with random people I do not know and have no voice comms, I think if I was playing them as part of a group of friends with voice comms it would be more fun.

Because the SQDM tonight was a lot of fun, I didn't think I would enjoy it but I did.

All the high skill competition games are played in conquest 3 flags. However when TFU was in the ladders they were rush maps, so we’ll prob have a mix between rush/conq.

But yeah your right, we love to play in teams and usually dominate any server we play on. Was that you that signed up this morning: “Dave”?
Good games last night lads including the crafty knife from Goon while I was pretending to be a bush :D

OHHHHHHH That was quite possibly my best ever knife.... there you were sniping away and i was hiding in the bush next to you.... then you looked at me... with that I lunged out at your face with the knife, honestly from my perspective it looked like something out of predator... EPCI!

I'm completely hooked on this game again + There is the new Vietnam mod coming out for it... so in all its looking good!

unKn0wn Havent read all the thread but someone said

Originally Posted by log1K

We miss the days of just endless hours laughing!

Count me in for MoH.

Brilliant, could do with a few MoH players ;)
Lolz glad I can help with my face on the end of your knife, I heard the gravel move in the back on my headphones, turned round firing with pin point precision before I even saw you but shooting peas from my pistol in normal mode just wasnt good enough, it was all over :(

Yeah you did actually nail me... had next to no health left!

Should be fun over the weekend, lots of squad play on the new 24 man rush server.
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