Looking for some people to do HALO 3 achievements

24 Jan 2007
As title, main one I am looking to do is the Vidmaster Challenge: Annual


Of course if there are any other Halo 3 achievements you want to do that would be cool :)

For the Vidmaster challenge I need 3 other people :)

If you are interested add my gamertag: Nath O beaN
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It's because the vidmaster achievements lead to unlocking an armour in halo 3... and anyway if people do..they do.. why have you even bothered to post something if you aren't interested lol post somewhere else please :)
Indeed, some do Ross.

it adds something more to the game if you have challenges to reach. I personally don't care, but I cna see the appeal.
Oh ok, I wasnt trying to be a grump I was just interested to know why people did them. I dont own an xbox and the acheivements in windows games seem a bit pointless like in GTA4.
Best mate makes sure he does as many of the achievements he can in a game when he buys one, such as now on Shadow Complex he's trying to get all of them... he's been going at it for a while now. It increases the games length for him, sometimes by a considerable amount so there's that to consider and not just the "HEY LOOK AT ME" side.

Unfortunately though I don't own Halo 3 so can't help you there, traded it in a while back :(
Oh ok, I wasnt trying to be a grump I was just interested to know why people did them. I dont own an xbox and the acheivements in windows games seem a bit pointless like in GTA4.

Fair enough, i do agree they are 'pointless' but they do add a bit more to the game, before I would play the game beginning to end, a bit of online and not play it again, achievments add something extra so you want to carry on playing and 'really' 'complete' the game, you feel you get your money's worth this way ;)

Microsoft did talk about turing gamer points (a result of getting an achievement) into some kind of microsoft points so you could purchase things on the marketplace, however this never seemed to kick off :(
I will add you tonight :)

Might be playing batman for a bit, but if you get enough peeps for it, let me know :)

Kreeeee, Alrik and I have done this twice, now. Takes bloody ages. The problem we have is regardless of how close we are to the end, if there is an opportunity to send another of us to an early grave that opportunity must be taken, its basically a game of dodgems, I think the first time we did it we spent 2.5 hours (seemed longer) the second time was just short of 2 hours... Great fun.
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So what does doing these actually add?

Anyone fancy helping me to get 'Maybe Next Time Buddy'?

I'll probably be about tonight; Squarkster
on a bit of a side note, anyone else think its damned lazy that the second character (the arbiter) in two player co-op has the exact same stats and stuff as a SPARTAN-II and has no unique abilities/attributes even though we know the arbiters armour has a cloaking device for example? anyone else think it would have been worthwhile for co-operation purposes to give the arbiter his cloaking ability to make him more shall we say 'useful'?

was also gutted that the armour permutations which you have to work for (achievements, completing the game, etc) don't change anything about the players stats, i mean the bulky as hell E.O.D armour for example doesn't affect the players ballistic protection and such, and why not give elite armour the ability to cloak for short periods of time like elites are meant to be able to? would certainly add some 'spice' to multiplayer which while good gets a bit stale at times.

on one final sidenote, man i HATE the hayabusa amour, it looks so damned tacky and there is no way in hell a SPARTAN-II would ever wear that hunk of junk :rolleyes:

Edit: and by the way im seriously stoked that ODST is only eight days away and am a pretty hardcore halo fan! FEET FIRST GENTLEMEN!
Oh ok, I wasnt trying to be a grump I was just interested to know why people did them. I dont own an xbox and the acheivements in windows games seem a bit pointless like in GTA4.

Games for Windows only covers a small range of titles, but on the 360 every game has them.

Nice to have all your games in the library section with all the achievements!
Guys I'm lagging, anyone wanna join, there are 3 guys already, I can't do it as I'm making everyone else lag.

Kreeeee, Alrik and I have done this twice, now. Takes bloody ages. The problem we have is regardless of how close we are to the end, if there is an opportunity to send another of us to an early grave that opportunity must be taken, its basically a game of dodgems, I think the first time we did it we spent 2.5 hours (seemed longer) the second time was just short of 2 hours... Great fun.

First time was closer to 4 hours because we started at 8pm and didnt finish until around midnight. The second time was also just as long, but this time we finished a lot faster (probably because the floor didn't hate you this time ;))
We finally managed to do it last night, the last section on the ghosts was fun as we kept falling through the floor many, many times! :-)
aye it did take a while didn't it :p funny as hell though lol, the best bit though was we spent like over an hour waiting and trying to find out who was lagging, because someone in my house was using the internet so i thought it might be me, and then we had an american so we thought it could be him, then we found out it was freshage/anges in a process of elimiation :p shame on you boy! :p
First time was closer to 4 hours because we started at 8pm and didnt finish until around midnight. The second time was also just as long, but this time we finished a lot faster (probably because the floor didn't hate you this time ;))

I thought that it was about 4 hours too and the second was about 3. But then I checked bungie and bungie told me the times above (I may have rounded slightly)
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