Looking to buy a Mac Book

Also, do I go Mac Book or spend another £300.00 and go Mac Book Pro?

If the extra 15" space and dedicated GPU is needed, then go for it. If not, the MacBook is a good intro to OS X - which I can tell you, don't disappoint. I came from a Windows background (started from Windows NT / Windows 95 to XP / Vista)

As for sites to go and visit, Apple first for their "tips and tricks" first - like someone above said, look and memorise the shortcuts, comes in handy.

Also check out http://www.pure-mac.com/ for apps update / useful apps you never thought or heard of :)
Cheers. Can you recommend any decent books/guides/websites... how about a decent monthly mag?

Book - 'The missing manual' by David Pogue.
Websites - Have a look in the sticky, full of useful links/tips.
Mags - Personally I buy MacUser and MacWorld, I prefer MacUser as it comes out twice monthly and is more up to date than MacWorld.
Thanks to everyone for responding. I'm about 100 times more smarter now!

Mac Book should be getting ordered by the end of this week... I'm sure I won't be a stranger to this place!

Thanks again, peeps.
Ouch! £279 is a lot for a 3 year warranty - are you a student, if so, make use of that - it's cheaper, £50ish iirc

Basically covers all parts and returns on the MacBook for 3 years iirc
Ouch! £279 is a lot for a 3 year warranty - are you a student, if so, make use of that - it's cheaper, £50ish iirc

Basically covers all parts and returns on the MacBook for 3 years iirc

That's the price in the Apple Shop. Oh to be a student!!!! When I was a student, Maggie Thatcher was giving out all sorts of stuff to students... but not a single Mac warranty!
That's the price in the Apple Shop. Oh to be a student!!!! When I was a student, Maggie Thatcher was giving out all sorts of stuff to students... but not a single Mac warranty!

Don't worry, blag the HE discount, most of the people that have bought Macs on here have done. Ring up Apple, pretend your at uni, and Bobs your Uncle.
On the web, the price of normal Applecare is £199 - which is every so slightly easier to stomach! Still a lot of money, though.
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