Well done. Have a cookie. Not everyone is shooting in situations where there's no risk of anything getting on the front element.
The one lens that I don't use a filter on is my Tamron 90mm as that's insanely recessed, because a) I don't trust my friends with my camera but don't want to be really tight and *ahem* about not letting people touch my gear b) much better safe than sorry particularly when shooting events in London c) if you get a little stone on the front element it can be very tricky to get it off without gouging out a nasty line in the front element.
While I understand plenty might not need filters, they're not expensive and save the effort of cleaning the whole time. They have no real effect on IQ when you buy decent ones so I see no reason not to have them unless you have an absolutely massive range of lenses or loads where they're impractically big i.e. super telephotos. I'm clumsy, occasionally I'll stick a finger on the front element thinking I'm taking the lens cap off, it happens. Better I prod a filter than the front element.