i currently runniung as follows:
i7 950
16 gb ddr 3 triple chanel memory
evga 1080 ftw
asus rampage 2 extreme mobo
win 10
i want to upgrade my cpu however i am going to have to upgrade my mobo as well and possibly my ram. im looking at getting an i7 cpu with six cores from a one of the previous generations of i7's but i dunno what one and what the best choice of mobo and ram to go along with it. so can anyone help me out with some suggestions?
i7 950
16 gb ddr 3 triple chanel memory
evga 1080 ftw
asus rampage 2 extreme mobo
win 10
i want to upgrade my cpu however i am going to have to upgrade my mobo as well and possibly my ram. im looking at getting an i7 cpu with six cores from a one of the previous generations of i7's but i dunno what one and what the best choice of mobo and ram to go along with it. so can anyone help me out with some suggestions?