Lost access

9 Jul 2009
Moray, Scotland
Hi guys, I have a slight problem.

My brother was annoying me, playing on my computer when I didn't want him to, so I thought I'd be a smart alec and block him out. After feeling bad, I created a new user account and gave him some permissions, however I seem to have locked myself out of my computer. I can still get on etc, but iTunes has lost all of my music and I can't access my 1tb drive without changing the Owner(?) to my account. I've deleted the other user, so it's just me again, but how can I get my computer back?!?!

Thanks for your helps :)
I started up another user account, but decided that was a bad move, so deleted it. That was about it. I didn't change any permissions, only started up the games etc to check they worked and went back to work. On getting home I deleted the second user account, but then found I couldn't access my files without changing ownership of them one by one. Even when the ownership has been changed it's not letting me use the files.
Once you have taken ownership - add your username to the list of allowed users and give yourself Full Control.
Thats what I'v been trying, but once I've given myself full control, it goes through each folder in the drive and tells me:

"An error has occured while applying security information... Access is Denied."

Any ideas?

Thanks for the continued help btw, if I don't reply it's because I've fallen asleep on the keyboard :)
ok, i've tried it on one folder, as I'd been a fool when setting up the hdd originally and have loads of files and folders all over the place on the hdd. I have access to the folder, but now it shows a lock on the folder icon. Any ideas?
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