Lost Ark EU - !!

18 Apr 2006
It's finally releasing !!

Might not be on everyone's radar for future games but I can't wait to play it with a decent ping and no silly Eng translation !


official website > LostArk <

08/02/22 *** Unofficial OcUK server of choice -->> Zinnervale
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If you pre-order on steam you will get a separate alpha to install however there is a problem atm and although it will show in the library there is no Install button! <-- they are working on fixing it

If you get a key via the sign up it will work as soon as you use it.
Is this an MMO in the sense of pulling a group together to do a dungeon/raid or just an online open-world RPG?

It's basically and Action RPG MMo :p

Think Diablo type gameplay but on steroids !! It has everything from PvE Campaign - Dungeons/Instances - PvP to 16 player Raids oh and some Sailing.

It has a lot of skill customisation and depth.
Pre-load starts 7th Feb for all.

Plenty of servers to join for the head start :)
This is the list of servers that will be open for players to select, beginning from the Head Start on February 8th. Additional worlds may be opened based on population levels.

EU Central
  • Neria

  • Kadan

  • Trixion

  • Calvasus

  • Thirain

  • Zinnervale

  • Asta

  • Wei

  • Slen
Pre-download is available for everyone tonight around 5pm.



Pre-download will be available starting on Monday, February 7 at 9AM Pacific time (5PM UTC), regardless of whether or not you purchased a Founder’s Pack.

There is no option for pre-period character creation or name reservation; your name will be “reserved” or locked only when you finish the character customization screen.


Servers will open for Head Start access on Tuesday, February 8 at 9AM Pacific (5PM UTC). You must purchase a Founder’s Pack to receive access to the 3-day Head Start. If you purchase a Founder’s Pack at any time during the Head Start, you will be able to play for the remainder of the Head Start period.


Servers for all regions will open for launch on Friday, February 11 at 9 AM Pacific (5PM UTC). Players will be able to play for free at this time!
I enjoyed the Bard and Destroyer back in the other versions, but I'll go Sorcerer for release !

I'll just join any server with space to play, not interested in being on the most popular.
My main is only around 780 GS with around 8 alts 400+. Still having tons of fun and that's playing from release :D

I'm mainly duo all the Dungeons, Raids, Monster hunts.

There's too much to do and not enough hours in the day.
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