That is sort of at least partly ,my take on it.
The council would want cast iron guarantees that it would be fully funded, with no disruption to services, and all the money including contigency funds and "clean up" funds in escrow accounts.
The potential for disruption to waste collection operations is immense depending on the site, as they'd need several times the "search area" set aside to do the sorting, storing of the sifted rubbish and to ensure there was no risk to employees, let alone the potential problems with regards to if the site is still active you then need to disrupt the schedule for placement of incoming waste (IIRC it's often done on a rotation to allow for things like settling and compressing) and routing incoming trucks around the "search", "sorting" and "sifted" areas.
That's not even going into any issues with regards to the gasses and smells that are likely to be released into the air when you start mucking around with the buried and partially decomposing waste materials which is not going to amuse people who live downwind.